Introducing the fastest, most effective way to improve your critical thinking, logical argument, and communication skills—guaranteed!
Academic Vocabulary for Critical Thinking, Logical Arguments, and Effective Communication
Academic Vocabulary for Absolutely Everyone!

Read This Book Cover To Cover, and You Will:
Boost Your Confidence!
Enhance Your Understanding!
Elevate Your Critical Thinking!
Skyrocket Your Academic or Job Performance and Achieve Success!
Sharpen Your Decision-Making Skills and Make Informed Choices!
Enhance Your Communication and Capture People’s Attention!
Elevate Your Communication Skills in Every Aspect of Your Life!
Hone Your Persuasive Abilities to Secure Fair Outcomes!
Master the Art of Convincing Others with Sound Reasoning!
Improve Your Listening, Writing, Discussing, Describing, Analyzing, Deciding, Debating, Negotiating, Arguing, and Explaining!
Dear Adults, Self-Motivated Students, and Teachers,
Is this program for you? Please ask yourself a few questions and find out!
Adults: Are you in sales? Do you negotiate with people? Are you in charge? Do you want to be in charge? Do you want to be able to present your ideas more clearly and logically? Do you want to be taken more seriously? Do you want to know what’s wrong with people’s ridiculous claims and arguments? Do you want to think more clearly and with greater focus? Do you want to communicate more effectively, convincingly, and persuasively? Do you want to calm down and feel in charge of difficult or complex conversations? Do you want to be a more essential part of the conversation? Do you want to understand the conversation better? Do you want more success? Do you want to feel smarter? If so, this program is for you!
Self-Motivated Students: Do you want to improve your grades? Do you want to be prepared for standardized tests and entrance exams? Do you want to grasp the content you are required to learn more clearly? Do you want to create educational success for yourself? Do you want to be a more essential part of classroom discussions? Do you want to win more arguments—friendly and otherwise? Do you want to own the words that will help you in every aspect of school and dealing with people? Do you want to feel smarter? If so, this program is for you!
Teachers: Do you need a better and faster way to improve your students’ thinking, communication, argument, and writing skills? Do you want to teach thinking? Do you want to transform your classroom into one of logical questions, answers, thoughts, and discussions? Do you wish to concretely teach the words that will make everything you teach in school easier to teach? Do you want to improve your own skills so you can effectively teach the skills you are required to teach? Do you want to feel smarter? If so, this program is for you!
This program is for everyone!
Why Critical Thinking, Logical Argument, and Effective Communication Skills Are Essential for Everyone
Do you like what you see in the world today? The world is more complicated and divided than it has been in my lifetime. Modern technology has changed things in ways we don’t fully understand yet. And artificial intelligence and deep fakes are still in their infancy.
We have many serious issues in the world, and we are not dealing with them well—and often not even discussing them rationally. To put it mildly, critical thinking, logical argument, and effective communication skills are more important than ever. And they have always been important! Unfortunately, statistics show that all these skills are in decline, not on the rise.
Here is a program that, just by learning the words, you will improve your thinking, arguing, and communicating. It will change everything. And I’ve made it easy for you. I’ll explain that later.
How Does Vocabulary Relate to Clear Thinking, Powerful Arguments, and Effective Communication?
This program is not primarily a vocabulary program. It’s mainly a critical thinking, logical argument, and effective communication program. Having said that, it focuses on words and the concepts behind the words. Furthermore, you view the words and concepts through a lens of related words, variations, multiple meanings, and connections. Yes, the words will stick! But so will the ways of thinking!
I’ll admit it—I did not always see the value of a fantastic vocabulary. But over the years, I’ve come to see that there are two laws to vocabulary:
Law 1: It all begins with vocabulary. You can’t understand something if you don’t have the words that allow you to understand it.
Law 2: Vocabulary is strongly linked to academic success, career success, and even intelligence and wealth. That’s what the research says.
Words create both knowledge and ways of thinking about something. Is it the knowledge that creates success or the ways of thinking about something? I suspect it’s the latter.
In this program, you will discover the most valuable words related to thinking, arguing, and communicating. What’s more important than thinking, arguing, and communicating? Well, it’s a short list. These actions are central to everything you learn and every interaction you have!
I guarantee you that as you master these essential words, your confidence will surge. You will notice a steady and substantial improvement in how you think and interact with others. As a result, you will feel more powerful (a person not to be trifled with) because you have the words that help you see things clearly.
I say that based on my own experience. I was very familiar with all of the words in this program. However, studying these words with intention brings them to the tip of your fingertips and tongue. Additionally, being familiar with a word is not the same thing as truly understanding the word. Some of the most common words are the most profound once you finally grasp the concrete definition of the word.
Would you like to feel more confident in every situation because you have the words and thinking processes that help you see what’s what and know what’s right? This is that program!
In the real world of getting ahead and being taken seriously, few things are more valuable than clear thinking, powerful arguments, and effective communication. This program contains the vocabulary that creates that success.
What Kind of Words Are These? Where Did They Come From?
This program is a treasure trove of the most valuable words related to “Critical Thinking, Logical Arguments, and Effective Communication.” But where did all these words come from, and how do they fit into our daily lives? Let me take you on a little journey.
It all began with Classical Rhetoric and Logic over two thousand years ago. As the printed word became ubiquitous in more people’s lives in the late 18th century, rhetoric became composition studies. And of course, we have modern takes on writing and logic. In short, the words in this program represent the most essential words from over two millennia of logical and persuasive discourse and instruction.
But wait, there’s more! In today’s world, we use language and rational thinking to achieve our goals. The words in this program come from everything I study and am interested in. That’s everything from negotiation, sales, marketing, persuasion, business, achievement, psychology, and decision-making to the complex world of the stock market. To be clear, I only include words that relate to logical and rational thought and communication, which takes us back to Classical Rhetoric and Logic.
Furthermore, these topics are composed of many more essential topics such as reasoning, evidence, comprehension, organization, division, analysis, writing, problem-solving, debate, evaluation, time, process, genres, stories, narrative, explanation, classification—and many, many more!
Simply put, a large percentage of the words in this program are essential categories themselves! Labeling any of these topics as “major topics” is almost pointless because they are all intertwined and require the same type of clear and logical thinking. When you let go of strict categories and focus on understanding “ways of thinking,” you’ll be ahead of the game. Every word in this program is designed to help you understand and see things clearly in real-time in the real world when it’s most important.
However, among all these words, one does stand out—and that word is the heart of the program.
Logical Argument: The Heart of the Program
Do you know what the Common Core Standards are? In case you don’t, the Common Core Standards are an important attempt at unifying academic learning standards across the states. The Common Core clearly states that argument has a special place in the standards. In the standards, they quote two respected academics:
1. “Gerald Graff (2003) writes that argument literacy is fundamental to being educated.”
2. “Theorist and critic Neil Postman (1997) calls argument the soul of an education.”
Bringing the vocabulary of argument into your world will transform how you think and communicate. You could read a large backpack full of books on argument and still not gain the benefits of simply mastering the language of argument that is contained in this program.
And yes, this program also contains all the “Common Thought Patterns” that elementary and middle school students learn. These “Common Thought Patterns” aim to create clear, logical, organized, and rational thought. Not surprisingly, this is the kind of thinking that is required for logical arguments.
Even story is related to argument. And argument is related to story. In his Republic, Plato (427 BC – 423 BC) banned the storytellers for a reason. The best stories are hidden arguments. In short, all of the words in this program are connected and interconnected. Still, logical argument is the heart.
Learning Big Concepts, Not Just Big Words!
Let’s make this distinction. There is a difference between:
1. Using big words.
2. Understanding big concepts.
I find that it is far more valuable to understand big concepts than to use big words. In fact, I agree with Mark Twain (1835-1910) when he said, “Don’t use a five-dollar word when a fifty-cent word will do.” In short, choosing the best words for your audience and topic requires skill, knowledge, and judgment.
However, thinking, arguing, and communicating intelligently and effectively requires a vocabulary that makes it possible. This program is that vocabulary.
I’ll be honest—I was surprised that some people reacted to the list of words as if they were “big words.” After decades of teaching and studying writing and argument, I can assure you that these are the most essential words regarding thinking, arguing, and communicating.
Why Are These the Perfect Words for You?
Are you a teacher, student, or just someone keen on boosting your thinking, arguing, and communication skills? Well, most of these words are probably right up your alley. I won’t insist that the other one-third is a must for everyone, but I have a hunch that they might be. In my view, all these words work together to help you sharpen those very same skills.
The words broadly fall into three levels of difficulty:
1. Basic Words and Concepts
2. Essential Words and Concepts
3. Advanced Words and Concepts
And as a bonus, I’ve included a 65-page set of study sheets composed of 160 words and concepts placed in eight categories. This study-sheet set will certainly get you started on your road to success! And it gets better! I’m taking a bit of a gamble here to make things extremely easy for you. But yes, I’ve left the PDF program in a copy-and-paste format so you can copy and paste words to create your own study sheets. You can easily personalize your study materials to target what is most important to you and reach your goals.
What does it take to understand both a word and a concept? The answer to that question is what you will find in this program. Simply put, I do whatever it takes for you to understand both the words and the concepts.
For each word in this program, you will find some combination of these:
1. Definitions For One or More Parts of Speech
2. Example Sentences
3. Short Explanations / Long Explanations
4. Synonyms / Antonyms
5. Mini-Essays / Essays
Critical Thinking, Logical Argument, and Effective Communication for Everyone!
Once again, this program is for everyone: 1) Students, 2) Teachers, and 3) Adults. Let’s explore the benefits for each group!
Self-Motivated Students: A Self-Study Program for Motivated Students
If you are a motivated student who wants to improve your thinking, arguing, and communication skills, this program is for you! You will receive all of these benefits:
1. Improve Your Comprehension and Grades: By understanding the thinking, reasoning, and logic of the content you study, you will more easily grasp the essential concepts, issues, and points being made. Your grades will improve, and your standardized test scores will skyrocket. This will help you achieve all your academic dreams to give you the life you want.
2. Be Prepared for Standardized Tests and Entrance Exams: Start preparing now to excel on the entrance exams and standardized tests that will get you into your dream college or academic program. These exams focus more on your logic, reasoning, thinking, and communication skills than simply knowing facts! Get prepared now by learning the right words!
3. Enjoy High-Level Academic Conversations: Develop the confidence and skills to be effective in high-level academic conversations. Master the words that will help you explore, wrestle with, comprehend, and engage in complex intellectual discussions. Learn the words to help you put forth your academic ideas logically, clearly, and powerfully.
Teachers: Teach Thinking! Teach Argument! Teach Communication!
Teachers, if you teach and review 50 or more words in this program, you will transform how your students think, argue, and communicate! I guarantee it! You will bring these words into your students’ active vocabulary with practice and review. You and your students will quickly see that these words are a part of everything you study daily—and you will see everything through new eyes.
This program contains a perfect group of words for every subject you teach and every group of students—and, of course, for every grade level. You will probably want to teach two types of words that are perfect for your students:
1. Common Words: Bring concrete understanding to the common thinking, argument, and communication words that you, your students, and your curriculums use daily in your classroom.
2. Advanced Words: Introduce your students to advanced words that address critical or profound ideas. Expand their world to include the language of rational academic thought.
Simply put, you will develop and teach an organized and systematic list of words covering all aspects of your curriculum related to thinking, argument, and communication.
Furthermore, teachers, just by reading and studying this program, you will up your game substantially. It begins with you if you want to teach your students organized, logical, and rational thinking. Everything you want to teach your students across the curriculum will be easier because of your own improved skills.
Adults: This Program is for Absolutely Everyone!
I’ll repeat the questions from above: Are you in sales? Do you negotiate with people? Are you in charge? Do you want to be in charge? Do you want to be able to present your ideas more clearly and logically? Do you want to be taken more seriously? Do you want to know what’s wrong with people’s ridiculous claims and arguments? Do you want to think more clearly and with greater focus? Do you want to communicate more effectively, convincingly, and persuasively? Do you want to calm down and feel in charge of difficult or complex conversations? Do you want to be a more essential part of the conversation? Do you want to understand the conversation better? Do you want more success? Do you want to feel smarter?
If you answered yes to any of these questions, this program is for you!
How do I know this program will benefit you? I was already familiar with all of the words in this program before I wrote the program. I also wrote the program. Still, my thinking skills improved substantially when I proofread the program cover to cover. The difference is noticeable in every interaction. This program is unrelenting in its persistence in instilling a highly effective way of thinking.
Personally, I look forward to doing a skim and scan review soon! Furthermore, I would be a fool not to re-read and review this program cover-to-cover at least once a year. These words bring clearness to your thinking and communication—I guarantee it!
Typically, people read books and study models and believe that these models hold the solution. Although I love models, they don’t hold up in the real world. The fact is that thinking, argument, and communication happens in real time in the real world. You either have the words that capture what is happening or you don’t. It’s that simple. After studying these topics for many years, I am convinced that owning the vocabulary in this program is the fastest way to develop real-world skills.
Reading this book cover-to-cover will make you think, argue, and communicate far more effectively! This book is unrelenting in its persistence to instill logical, rational, analytical, and persuasive thought. The benefits to you will be immense—both professionally and personally:
You will feel more confident and in control of your interactions with people because of the clarity and logic of your thinking.
You will follow the logic of what others are saying more easily. You will also see the poor logic in what they are saying. In turn, you will respond clearly, logically, and effectively.
You will quickly identify points you agree with and disagree with and respond skillfully. You will find it easier to listen to people because you will be confident that you can respond effectively.
You will ask questions out of genuine curiosity: “Why do you think that? What’s your logic?” or “Wow. That’s a strong position. What’s the other side of the argument?”
You will start to avoid those frustrating conversations where neither side will convince the other side. You will also avoid those ridiculous conversations where the other side’s argument defies logic.
You will be far more persuasive. Using all the common and logical thought patterns, you will start providing logical and practical reasons for everything you say.
You will internalize that there are two sides to every argument and use that knowledge to skillfully seek resolutions.
You will be a better listener!
These benefits are what I came up with based on my own experience studying these words. The most surprising benefit of all is the listening aspect. In every debate, instead of waiting to talk, I find myself listening. I listen because I’m curious about the logical framework of the other side’s position.
Do you want to be more persuasive? You will be far more persuasive when you see the logical framework in every discussion. You must understand the other side’s position to argue against it—or even use it against them.
When people are being irrational, you will see the flaws in their logic. As a result, you will feel confident presenting your own logical and rational side of things. Yes, you will have an analytical unfair advantage based on logic and reasoning!
Why Should You Believe Me?
My name is Paul Barger. About 15 years ago, I invented a system to teach multi-paragraph writing to beginning and struggling writers. It’s called Pattern Based Writing: Quick & Easy Essay. I’ve offered an unconditional money-back guarantee since day one.
Happily, 99.8% of the people who buy the program like the program. Many people are absolutely thrilled with the program and say, “Finding Pattern Based Writing was like finding the one piece of the puzzle that makes everything else work!”
How can I offer a 100% money-back guarantee on a digital product for over 15 years? I can do it because I stand behind my product. The product is what I say it is. More importantly, it is what the many happy users on my website say it is. In short, the program works!
As I point out below, I could have built on the program by creating an endless collection of silly writing exercises and worksheets. However, that’s not how I teach writing, and I won’t put forth what I don’t believe in. To be clear, many teachers waste valuable class time by taking students out of the content curriculums to have them write about rather pointless things just because it’s in a writing curriculum.
Illustrating this point, I’ve published an entire collection of free how-to-teach-writing eBooks. I hope teachers read them and learn how to build on the foundation that Pattern Based Writing: Quick & Easy Essay provides across the curriculum or as they see fit.
Point Being: I stand behind my new “Academic Vocabulary” program. Although it’s a new program, I am confident you will find it is what I say it is and discover the benefits outlined on this page. Ask yourself: Will this program improve my thinking, argument, and communication skills? If you believe it will, you owe it to yourself to start today.
Also, since it’s a brand-new program, I am making an irresistible offer and removing all the risk. Take a look!
It’s a Brand New Program! That Means You Get a Special Introductory Offer!
Because this is a brand-new program, I’m making a special 31-day offer. I aim to remove all the risk for you so that you feel confident getting started today! There are seven parts to this introductory offer.
Introductory Offer 1: Study Sheets
Introductory Offer 2: Bonus eBooks: The “Giant Lists” Vocabulary Collection in PDF Form
Introductory Offer 3: Bonus eBook: All About Vocabulary and Learning Words
Introductory Offer 4: Bonus eBook: Morphology and Word Building
Introductory Offer 5: A Sample
Introductory Offer 6: A 100% Risk-Free Money-Back Guarantee!
Warning: The clock is ticking on all of the bonuses included in this introductory offer. If you have read this far, you see the benefits of improving your thinking, argument, and communication skills. You owe it to yourself to analyze this risk-free introductory offer today!
Introductory Offer 1: Study Sheets
My goal is to meet your needs. To be clear, I hope everyone approaches the program as a whole, at least initially. The words connect and create a framework for thinking, arguing, and communicating. I also recommend skimming, scanning, and finding words that capture your attention.
Having said that, study sheets may be a valuable piece of the puzzle for many people, especially teachers and students. Study sheets can help people approach the program strategically with targets and goals in mind. For this reason, I’m including a 65-page set of study sheets. It’s composed of 160 words and concepts placed in eight categories. This set will get you started!
And it gets better! There is another part to this study-sheets bonus. I’m taking a bit of a gamble here to make things extremely easy for you. In short, I’ve left the PDF program in a copy-and-paste format so you can copy and paste words to create your own study sheets. You can personalize your study material to focus on what is most important to you.
Success is truly in your hands!
Please Note: All study sheets must include this: “Source: Academic Vocabulary for Critical Thinking, Logical Arguments, and Effective Communication (2023).” Furthermore, as with the entire program, all study sheets are copyright-protected and may not be published or shared except with the students you personally teach.
Introductory Offer 2: Bonus eBooks: The “Giant Lists” Vocabulary Collection in PDF Form
I’ve had these very popular vocabulary lists posted on my blog for several years now. As a bonus, I’m including these fantastic lists in PDF format just for you.
1. Giant List of 3,250 Verbs and 207 Irregular Verbs
2. Giant List of 4,800 Adjectives
3. Giant List of 3,300 Adverbs
4. Giant List of 4,600 Nouns You Can’t Touch
Introductory Offer 3: Bonus eBook: All About Vocabulary and Learning Words
How do you improve your vocabulary? What are the benefits of improving your vocabulary? This bonus eBook is 67 pages of essential information about improving your vocabulary and teaching vocabulary skills. To be clear, “Academic Vocabulary” is more of a thinking program than a vocabulary program. However, most people will benefit from understanding the essential concepts related to vocabulary improvement.
Introductory Offer 4: Bonus eBook: Morphology and Word Building
Morphology and word-building skills are vital for improving one’s vocabulary. Finally, you have a system that makes sense for understanding roots, bases, stems, prefixes, suffixes, and morphemes. This 17-page eBook will benefit everyone interested in improving their vocabulary.
Introductory Offer 5: A Sample of Academic Vocabulary for Absolutely Everyone!
A picture is worth a thousand words! Now that you understand the program’s benefits, it’s time to see a sample. As you explore the sample, consider how empowered you will feel when you fully grasp all the words on this list. Once again, this program is 286 pages of unrelenting logical, rational, organized, analytical, and persuasive thought!
Click to download your PDF “Sample of Academic Vocabulary for Absolutely Everyone!.”
Introductory Offer 6: A 100% Risk-Free Money-Back Guarantee!
I have offered an unconditional money-back guarantee on Pattern Based Writing: Quick & Easy Essay for over 15 years! And no, I don’t even offer samples with that program because it’s an entire system and methodology. Simply put, no one part makes sense if you don’t understand the whole system and methodology. Still, 99.5% of the people who buy the program like the program. They like the program because they get results!
Well, you have seen a sample of “Academic Vocabulary,” so you understand what you are investing in. Still, I offer a guarantee. Here it is: I guarantee that if you read this program cover to cover, your thinking and logical communication skills will improve substantially! And as with my other program, I back that up with a 30-day 100% risk-free money-back guarantee!
Let’s review. You understand the benefits. You have seen a sample. And you are getting a guaranteed low price. Take action today!
PayPal: 100% Secure
I use PayPal to process orders. PayPal is the largest and most trusted name in credit card processing for online downloadable products. I use E-Junkie for my shopping cart. E-Junkie is a PayPal Platinum Partner shopping cart. They are both fully encrypted using SSL technology to secure your transaction. (The order form web URL is always https.) Even as the owner of this website, your credit card and PayPal information is kept private from me.
Don’t have a PayPal account? That’s fine! Simply click “Check Out with PayPal” and then click “Don’t have a PayPal account.” That page lets you pay with a credit card as a PayPal guest.
What To Do Next: Why Take Action Today?
If you read this far, you must see the benefits of this program. I can say with near certainty that you cannot imagine how clearly you will be thinking one month from now—if you get started today. Once again, I know that because I read the book cover to cover. And I look forward to reading it again!
The main reason to start today is that you will start improving your thinking, arguing, and communication skills. If that’s a goal of yours, why wait? Every book I have studied is very similar to every other book I have studied. To be clear, there is nothing like this program anywhere!
Once again, I’ve removed the risk for you. That means the risk is on me! Therefore, I will offer two reasons that let you off the hook.
1. I’m not serious about improving my skills right now.
2. I don’t want to read it or I just won’t read it.
If those reasons don’t apply to you, then get started today! Once again, here are seven more reasons why today is the best day to take action.
Introductory Offer 1: Study Sheets
Introductory Offer 2: Bonus eBooks: The “Giant Lists” Vocabulary Collection in PDF Form
Introductory Offer 3: Bonus eBook: All About Vocabulary and Learning Words
Introductory Offer 4: Bonus eBook: Morphology and Word Building
Introductory Offer 5: A Sample
Introductory Offer 6: A 100% Risk-Free Money-Back Guarantee!
Many parts of this introductory offer will disappear sometime soon. Get started today before this introductory offer entirely disappears!
A Bit of Fine Print
1. This curriculum is available exclusively in Adobe PDF format. If you are not sure what Adobe PDF is, please click to download your PDF “Sample of Academic Vocabulary for Absolutely Everyone!.”
2. Because this is a digital product, you are purchasing a single-user license. Teachers may use the program to teach the students they personally teach. Other than that, no sharing of any kind is allowed.
3. There is nothing more to purchase. Download the PDF to your computer right now. No shipping—no waiting!
P.S. A Note to Writing Teachers and Anyone Who Wants to Improve Their Writing
Is this “Academic Vocabulary” Program a Writing Curriculum?
Is writing a form of organized thinking? If it is, then this is a writing program. For decades, I’ve encouraged teachers to stop with the silly writing exercises and learn to teach writing across the curriculum. I provide a free collection of teaching-writing eBooks that makes this point clear.
How do you improve your writing? You gain knowledge so that you can “prewrite, write, and rewrite” with skill and critical reflection. That’s the only way to improve one’s writing. Of course, that knowledge also helps you read with skill and critical reflection and learn from that to some degree. To be clear, you can only learn the skill of writing by prewriting, writing, and rewriting.
Academic Vocabulary for Absolutely Everyone! is a critical piece of the writing-instruction puzzle for everyone who wants to stop with the silly exercises and teach writing or learn writing more effectively and efficiently.
Over the last decade, I could have created an endless collection of silly writing exercises and worksheets. Instead, my efforts and energy have gone into helping teachers take charge of their writing instruction. Reading and writing are supposed to be a cornerstone of everything you do in the classroom. Learn to harness this fact and stop wasting time by taking students out of the content curriculum for writing instruction.
Academic Vocabulary for Absolutely Everyone! is the missing piece of the puzzle for every teacher who wants to be a better writing teacher. It also provides the knowledge that will help everyone become a better writer. Let’s take a look at that puzzle!
1. Pattern Based Writing: Quick & Easy Essay: Use this curriculum at the beginning of the school year to build a multi-paragraph writing foundation. Then, build on that writing foundation across the curriculum for the rest of the year.
2. Academic Vocabulary for Absolutely Everyone!: This curriculum covers every important concept related to effective writing and organized thinking. Additionally, I provide various groupings and study sheets that teachers will find helpful. If you read this program cover to cover, you will see everything you teach about writing differently. Additionally, I left this program in a copy-and-paste format so that you can easily teach your students everything important about thinking, organizing, and communicating effective messages in every genre of writing.
3. My Free Collection of Teaching-Writing eBooks: Are you confused about teaching writing? This collection of free teaching-writing eBooks will clear up all of your confusion. To be clear, your students do need a solid multi-paragraph writing foundation for you to teach writing across the curriculum. It doesn’t work any other way. That’s what Pattern Based Writing: Quick & Easy Essay provides.
4. Grammar Slots ™: This is an upcoming program. However, instruction on the grammatical parts of speech is built into this “Academic Vocabulary” program. In fact, I provide a free 8-page section on Grammar Slots ™ so that you understand the grammar in this program.
Get started today on creating writing success for yourself or your students!