4,640 Nouns and 18 Noun Suffixes: Giant List of Untouchable Nouns

We will cover a lot on this page, and you will leave with a fantastic newfound understanding of nouns. You will want to spend some time with the giant list of 4,640 nouns that follow, and you will want to gain a solid understanding of the list of 18 noun suffixes that follow. But before all that, we need some basic but unusual noun knowledge.

Truthfully, much of what we teach young students about grammar and language is wrong. Take a look at these two sentences:

  1.  We demand excellence!    (excellence = noun).
  2.  This is excellent!    (excellent = adjective).

Do you find that the adjective is any more descriptive than the noun? I don’t. In fact, to most people, the two words mean about the same thing. Semantically, they are very similar. But syntactically, they are different because they function as different parts of speech. Let’s take a closer look at this.

The Noun Slot: Where Do Nouns Go in a Sentence?

Syntax is the set of rules that guide where words belong in a sentence. In short, sentences are composed of syntactic slots. Adjectives go in the adjective slot, nouns go in the noun slot, etc.

We have five basic noun slots: 1) subject, 2) predicate noun, 3) direct object, 4) indirect object, and 5) object of the preposition. Can you identify all of the nouns in the sentence below? (Sadly, most people can’t. Congratulations if you can! I provide the answers below!)

»  The juxtaposition of opposites is an effective strategy for creating interest.

Before we take a closer look at that sentence, here are a few simpler sentences that highlight the noun slots:

1.   Reading (subject) is an essential skill (predicate noun).
2.   Sue (subject) bought a present (direct object) for her mom (indirect object).
3.   Bill (subject) leaves for school (object of the preposition) early in the morning (object of the preposition).

Now, here is a closer examination of that sentence from above:

»  The juxtaposition (subject) of opposites (object of the preposition) is an effective strategy (predicate noun) for creating (object of the preposition) interest (direct object).

Many of the nouns on the giant list of 4,640 nouns more closely resemble the complex nouns in the above sentence compared to the simpler nouns in the sentences above. Let’s take a closer look at these complex nouns.


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Mostly Untouchable: Touchable Nouns Omitted

If you scroll down, you will find a massive list of nouns. Interestingly, most of the nouns on the list are UNTOUCHABLE NOUNS. Yes, I intentionally omitted most touchable nouns, and in the process, I left out most of the nouns that young students typically learn. We can’t keep teaching kids the same kinds of nouns year after year and expect them to master how language really works.

Concrete vs. Abstract Nouns VS. Touchable vs. Untouchable Nouns

Teachers often teach concrete and abstract nouns in the context of touchable and untouchable. (Note: It’s a bit more complicated than this.) My goal was to keep the noun list primarily untouchable.

As I created this list, I had to decide what to do with the people nouns. Many important nouns and noun suffixes related to “what people do.” I don’t find that what a person does is touchable. Here’s how I see it:

  • That runner (noun) is fast.    (runner = that person = touchable)
  • He is a fast runner (noun).    (runner = what the person does is not touchable)

In short, you will find many PEOPLE nouns that relate to what people do.

Keep this in Mind: Words are Not a Part Of Speech until They Are Placed in a Sentence

We can use all of the words on the noun list as a noun in a sentence. However, we can also use many of the words as a different part of speech. Here are two simple examples:

1.  A panther is a cat.   (cat = noun)
2.  A panther is a member of the cat family.   (cat = functions as an adjective)

1.  The present is all we have! Take action now!    (present = noun)
2.  Who was present for the meeting?    (present = adjective)

Gerunds Not Included: Gerunds are Verb Forms that Function as Nouns

I did not include gerunds on this list, as it could easily add another thousand words or more. Be sure to check out my giant list of 3,250 verbs to get started exploring verbs and gerunds. Here are two examples of gerunds:

1.  Swimming is a fun and healthy activity.    (swimming = functions as a noun)
2.  My grandmother’s cooking is the best!    (cooking = functions as a noun)

Noun Suffixes, Morphology, and the Magic Word List

This list of 4,640 nouns is part of my “Magic Word Lists” series. I call them Magic Word Lists because whenever I spend time skimming and scanning them, I feel myself getting smarter and my vocabulary expanding. As I skim and scan the lists, I think about the prefixes, suffixes, and roots, and as I come across interesting words, I question them and think about how to use them in a sentence. The process is always enormously enlightening.

Noun Suffixes: A Few Quick Notes

These 18 noun suffixes are the heart of this page. The list of 4,640 nouns has less value if you don’t understand the basics of suffixes and how suffixes can change a word from one part of speech to another. This is an essential aspect of understanding word morphology.

A few quick notes before you look over this list of 18 noun suffixes:

1.  Word Counts: Every suffix has a word count that tells you the total number of times that suffix appears on the giant list of 4,640 nouns. This word count will help you identify the most common and least important noun suffixes.

2.  Rules: These are not suffix rules. Most of the suffixes that follow also create words that are not nouns.

3.  Spelling Changes: I don’t address the various spelling rule changes that occur when adding suffixes.

4.  Syllables: You will see that I have divided many of the words in this suffix list to separate the suffix from the base. Please Note: I did not divide them by syllables.

5.  Complete Words: On this suffix list, I focused on adding the suffixes to complete words instead of Greek and Latin roots. In contrast, the giant list of 4,640 nouns comprises many different word structures.


List of 18 Noun Suffixes with Word Counts

1.   -ance (Total on List: 130)

» Changes VERB to NOUN: accept/ance, allow/ance, clear/ance, continu/ance, defi/ance, disturb/ance, reassur/ance, repent/ance, utter/ance

2.   -ence (Total on List: 157)

» Changes VERB to NOUN: adher/ence depend/ence exist/ence, differ/ence occurr/ence persist/ence prefer/ence

3.   -ment (Total on List: 324)

» Changes VERB to NOUN: advance/ment, amaze/ment, fulfill/ment, govern/ment, place/ment, punish/ment, retire/ment, replace/ment, state/ment, treat/ment

4.   -ent (Total on List: 37)

» PEOPLE: agent, adolescent, malcontent, parent, patient, respondent, student

» OTHER: accident, antecedent, nutrient, present, repellent

5.   -er (Total on List: 125)

» Changes VERB to NOUN: PEOPLE: defend/er, danc/er, explor/er, rul/er, bragg/er, dream/er, fight/er, jok/er, manag/er, rent/er, shopp/er, speak/er, teach/er, support/er

» Changes VERB to NOUN: laugh/ter, sanitiz/er

6.   -or (Total on List: 256)

» Changes VERB to NOUN: PEOPLE: act/or, conquer/or, creat/or, decorat/or, educat/or, govern/or, invent/or, invest/or, possess/or, prospect/or, visit/or

7.   -ant (Total on List: 60)

» Changes VERB to NOUN: PEOPLE: account/ant, combat/ant, consult/ant, claim/ant, inform/ant, inhabit/ant

» Changes VERB to NOUN: disinfect/ant, determin/ant, inhal/ant, pollut/ant, seal/ant

8.   -ian (Total on List: 38)

» Various: PEOPLE: civilian, comedian, grammarian, historian, pedestrian, pediatrician, physician, vegetarian, veterinarian

9.   -al (Total on List: 11)

» Changes VERB to NOUN: approv/al, portray/al, apprais/al

10.   -ness (Total on List: 1,119)

» Changes ADJECTIVE to NOUN: ill/ness, hopeful/ness, fair/ness, effective/ness, cute/ness, cheerful/ness, assertive/ness, aloof/ness, repulsive/ness, rude/ness, soft/ness, straightforward/ness

11.   -dom (Total on List: 11)

» VARIOUS: bore/dom, free/dom, wis/dom, king/dom, martyr/dom, star/dom, fief/dom

12.   -ion / -tion (Total on List: 1,023)

» Changes VERB to NOUN: affect/ion, anticipat/ion, appreciat/ion, collaborat/ion, complicat/ion, contradict/ion, detect/ion, donat/ion, elect/ion, exaggerat/ion, graduat/ion, hesitat/ion, migrat/ion, negotiat/ion, obstruct/ion, react/ion, terminat/ion

13.   -ity / -ty (Total on List: 506)

» Changes ADJECTIVE to NOUN: absurd/ity, dens/ity, similar/ity, final/ity, familiar/ity, frugal/ity, formal/ity, general/ity, generos/ity, legal/ity, activ/ity, immatur/ity, valid/ity, minor/ity, moral/ity, seasonal/ity, toxic/ity

» Changes VERB to ADJECTIVE to NOUN: approach/abil/ity, believ/abil/ity, depend/abil/ity, enforce/abil/ity, lov/abil/ity, lik/abil/ity, predict/abil/ity, profit/abil/ity, soci/abil/ity

» Changes VERB to ADJECTIVE to NOUN: flex/ibil/ity, corrupt/ibil/ity, defens/ibil/ity, destruct/ibil/ity, distract/ibil/ity, access/ibil/ity, respons/ibil/ity

14.   -ship (Total on List: 105)

» Changes NOUN to NOUN: companion/ship, friend/ship, citizen/ship, intern/ship, kin/ship, member/ship, sponsor/ship, scholar/ship

» Changes VERB to NOUN to NOUN: own/er/ship, read/er/ship, view/er/ship, lead/er/ship,

15.   -acy / -cracy (Total on List: 56)

» bureaucracy, candidacy, conspiracy, advocacy, aristocracy, legacy, legitimacy, lunacy, meritocracy, privacy

16.   -ism (Total on List: 47)

» Changes VERB to NOUN: activ/ism, tour/ism

» Changes ADJECTIVE to NOUN: romantic/ism, social/ism

» Changes NOUN to NOUN: fanatic/ism, symbol/ism, vandal/ism, volunteer/ism

17.   -ist (Total on List: 165)

» Changes NOUN to NOUN: PEOPLE: balloon/ist art/ist essay/ist nutrition/ist

» Changes ADJECTIVE to NOUN: PEOPLE: special/ist loyal/ist medieval/ist moral/ist

18.   -ory (22)

» accessory, allegory, category, conservatory, memory, observatory


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The Giant List of 4,640 Untouchable Nouns

Welcome to the Giant List of 4,640 Untouchable Nouns! Be sure to try out at least a few of these nouns in sentences! Remember, we have five basic noun slots: 1) subject, 2) predicate noun, 3) direct object, 4) indirect object, and 5) object of the preposition.

A Note on Plural Nouns and Possessives: I omitted most plurals and did not include any possessives. But keep these two concepts in mind as you go through the list! They are definitely relevant!

COPYRIGHT PROTECTED: This entire noun list is copyright-protected. I used various techniques and software to generate this list from scratch. Everything about this list is unique, edited, and selective.

1. abandonment
2. abbreviation
3. abdication
4. abduction
5. abductor
6. aberration
7. abhorrence
8. abilities
9. ability
10. abnormality
11. abolishment
12. abolitionist
13. abomination
14. abrasiveness
15. abridgement
16. abruptness
17. absence
18. absenteeism
19. absentmindedness
20. absoluteness
21. absolution
22. abstention
23. absurdity
24. abundance
25. abyss
26. accelerant
27. acceleration
28. acceptance
29. acceptor
30. access
31. accessibility
32. accessory
33. accident
34. acclaim
35. accommodation
36. accommodator
37. accompanist
38. accomplishment
39. accountability
40. accountant
41. accreditation
42. acculturation
43. accumulation
44. accumulator
45. accuracy
46. accurateness
47. accusation
48. accuser
49. achievement
50. achiness
51. acidity
52. acknowledgement
53. acquaintance
54. acquaintanceship
55. acquiescence
56. acquisition
57. action
58. activation
59. activator
60. activism
61. activist
62. activity
63. actor
64. actuality
65. actualization
66. acuity
67. acupuncturist
68. acuteness
69. adaptability
70. adaptation
71. adaptor
72. addiction
73. addition
74. adeptness
75. adequacy
76. adherence
77. adhesiveness
78. adjudication
79. adjudicator
80. adjustment
81. administration
82. administrator
83. admiration
84. admirer
85. admissibility
86. admission
87. admonition
88. adolescence
89. adolescent
90. adoption
91. adoration
92. adroitness
93. adsorption
94. adulation
95. advancement
96. advances
97. advantage
98. advantageousness
99. adventure
100. adventurousness
101. adversity
102. advisor
103. advocacy
104. advocator
105. aerialist
106. aesthetician
107. affection
108. affinity
109. affirmation
110. affliction
111. affluence
112. affordability
113. age
114. agelessness
115. agent
116. aggravation
117. aggregation
118. aggressiveness
119. aggressor
120. agility
121. agitation
122. agitator
123. agony
124. agreeability
125. agreement
126. aid
127. aimlessness
128. airmanship
129. airsickness
130. alarmist
131. alcoholism
132. alertness
133. alienation
134. alikeness
135. alkalinity
136. allegation
137. allegiance
138. allegory
139. alleviation
140. alliance
141. alliteration
142. allocation
143. allocution
144. allotment
145. allowance
146. allusions
147. allusiveness
148. aloofness
149. alphabetization
150. alteration
151. altercation
152. alternation
153. altruism
154. amalgamation
155. amateurishness
156. amazement
157. ambassador
158. ambassadorship
159. ambiance
160. ambience
161. ambiguity
162. ambition
163. ambitiousness
164. ambivalence
165. amenity
166. amicability
167. amortization
168. amphibian
169. amplification
170. amplitude
171. amputation
172. amusement
173. ancestor
174. anecdote
175. anesthesiologist
176. anger
177. angriness
178. angularity
179. animation
180. animator
181. animosity
182. annihilation
183. annihilator
184. annoyance
185. annuity
186. annunciation
187. anonymity
188. answer
189. antagonist
190. antecedence
191. antecedent
192. anthropomorphism
193. anticipation
194. anticipator
195. anticoagulant
196. anticonvulsant
197. antidepressant
198. antifascist
199. antioxidant
200. antiperspirant
1473. extinction
1474. extortion
1475. extractability
1476. extraction
1477. extradition
1478. extrapolation
1479. extravagance
1480. extremeness
1481. extremist
1482. extremity
1483. exuberance
1484. exultation
1485. fabrication
1486. fabricator
1487. fabulousness
1488. facelessness
1489. facilitation
1490. facilitator
1491. facility
1492. fact
1493. faction
1494. factorization
1495. factuality
1496. factualness
1497. faculties
1498. fad
1499. faddishness
1500. failure
1501. faintness
1502. fairness
1503. faith
1504. faithfulness
1505. faithlessness
1506. fallacy
1507. fallibility
1508. falsehood
1509. falseness
1510. falsification
1511. fame
1512. familiarity
1513. familiarization
1514. fanaticism
1515. fanciness
1516. fancy
1517. fandom
1518. fantasies
1519. farfetchedness
1520. farsightedness
1521. fascination
1522. fascism
1523. fascist
1524. fastidiousness
1525. fastness
1526. fatality
1527. fate
1528. fatherliness
1529. fatigability
1530. fault
1531. faultiness
1532. faults
1533. favor
1534. fear
1535. fearfulness
1536. fearlessness
1537. fears
1538. fearsomeness
1539. feasibility
1540. features
1541. federacy
1542. federalization
1543. federation
1544. feeblemindedness
1545. feeling
1546. feistiness
1547. felicitation
1548. felicity
1549. felinity
1550. fellowship
1551. femininity
1552. feminist
1553. feminization
1554. fermentation
1555. ferociousness
1556. ferocity
1557. fertility
1558. fertilization
1559. fervor
1560. festival
1561. festivity
1562. feudalization
1563. feverishness
1564. fibrillation
1565. fickleness
1566. fiction
1567. fictionalization
1568. fictitiousness
1569. fidelity
1570. fiefdom
1571. fiendishness
1572. fierceness
1573. fighter
1574. figure
1575. filmdom
1576. filminess
1577. filmmaker
1578. filthiness
1579. filtration
1580. finalist
1581. finality
1582. finalization
1583. fineness
1584. finiteness
1585. firefighter
1586. firmness
1587. fitness
1588. fixation
1589. flagrance
1590. flakiness
1591. flamboyance
1592. flammability
1593. flashiness
1594. flatness
1595. flatteries
1596. flattery
1597. flatulence
1598. flautist
1599. flavor
1600. flawlessness
1601. flexibility
1602. flight
1603. flightiness
1604. flimsiness
1605. flirtation
1606. flirtatiousness
1607. floppiness
1608. floridity
1609. florist
1610. flotation
1611. fluctuation
1612. fluffiness
1613. fluidity
1614. fluorescence
1615. flutist
1616. foaminess
1617. focalization
1618. foe
1619. fogginess
1620. folklorist
1621. folksiness
1622. followership
1623. folly
1624. fondness
1625. foolhardiness
1626. foolishness
1627. footsteps
1628. forbearance
1629. forbiddance
1630. force
1631. forcefulness
1632. forecast
1633. foreground
1634. foremanship
1635. foresightedness
1636. forgetfulness
1637. forgiveness
1638. form
1639. formality
1640. formalization
1641. formalness
1642. formation
1643. formidability
1644. formlessness
1645. formula
1646. formulation
1647. forthrightness
1648. fortification
1649. fortitude
1650. fortuity
1651. forwardness
1652. fossilization
1653. foulness
1654. foundation
1655. foxiness
1656. fraction
1657. fractionalization
1658. fractionation
1659. fragility
1660. fragmentation
1661. fragrance
1662. frailness
1663. franchisor
1664. frankness
1665. franticness
1666. fraternity
1667. fraternization
1668. fraudulence
1669. freakiness
1670. freakishness
1671. freedom
1672. freelancer
2945. placation
2946. place
2947. placement
2948. placidity
2949. placidness
2950. plagiarist
2951. plainness
2952. plaintiveness
2953. plantation
2954. plasticity
2955. platitudes
2956. plausibility
2957. playability
2958. player
2959. playfulness
2960. pleasance
2961. pleasantness
2962. pleasantries
2963. pleasure
2964. plentitude
2965. pliability
2966. plight
2967. pluckiness
2968. plumpness
2969. plurality
2970. plutocracy
2971. podiatrist
2972. point
2973. pointlessness
2974. pokiness
2975. polarity
2976. polarization
2977. politeness
2978. politician
2979. politics
2980. pollination
2981. pollinator
2982. pollutant
2983. polluter
2984. pollution
2985. pomposity
2986. pompousness
2987. pontification
2988. pontificator
2989. poorness
2990. popularity
2991. popularization
2992. population
2993. porosity
2994. portability
2995. portion
2996. portliness
2997. portrayal
2998. position
2999. positivity
3000. possession
3001. possessiveness
3002. possessor
3003. possibility
3004. posterity
3005. postponement
3006. postproduction
3007. postulation
3008. postulator
3009. posture
3010. potentialities
3011. potentiality
3012. potion
3013. power
3014. powerlessness
3015. practicality
3016. practitioner
3017. pragmatist
3018. praise
3019. praiseworthiness
3020. precaution
3021. precedence
3022. preciousness
3023. precipitation
3024. precipitator
3025. preciseness
3026. precision
3027. precociousness
3028. precognition
3029. preconception
3030. precursor
3031. predation
3032. predator
3033. predecessor
3034. predicament
3035. predication
3036. predictability
3037. prediction
3038. predictor
3039. predisposition
3040. preemption
3041. preference
3042. prejudice
3043. premeditation
3044. premonition
3045. preoccupation
3046. preparation
3047. preparedness
3048. preponderance
3049. preposition
3050. preposterousness
3051. prepublication
3052. prequalification
3053. preregistration
3054. prerequisite
3055. prescription
3056. presence
3057. present
3058. presentation
3059. preservation
3060. president
3061. pressurization
3062. presumption
3063. presumptuousness
3064. presupposition
3065. pretender
3066. pretense
3067. pretentiousness
3068. prettiness
3069. prevalence
3070. preventability
3071. prevention
3072. prickliness
3073. pride
3074. pridefulness
3075. priggishness
3076. primacy
3077. primatologist
3078. primitiveness
3079. primness
3080. printability
3081. printer
3082. prioritization
3083. priority
3084. prisoner
3085. prissiness
3086. privacy
3087. privation
3088. privatization
3089. privilege
3090. probability
3091. probation
3092. problem
3093. processor
3094. proclaimer
3095. proclamation
3096. proclivity
3097. procrastination
3098. procrastinator
3099. proctor
3100. procurer
3101. producer
3102. production
3103. productiveness
3104. productivity
3105. profaneness
3106. profanity
3107. profession
3108. professionalization
3109. professor
3110. professorship
3111. profitability
3112. profitableness
3113. profligacy
3114. profoundness
3115. prognostication
3116. prognosticator
3117. program
3118. programmability
3119. progress
3120. progressiveness
3121. prohibition
3122. project
3123. projection
3124. proliferation
3125. prolificacy
3126. prolongation
3127. prominence
3128. promise
3129. promisor
3130. promoter
3131. promotion
3132. promptness
3133. promulgator
3134. proneness
3135. pronunciation
3136. proof
3137. proofreader
3138. propaganda
3139. propagandist
3140. propagation
3141. propagator
3142. propellant
3143. propensity
3144. prophecy
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201. antiracist
202. antithesis
203. anxieties
204. anxiety
205. anxiousness
206. apartness
207. apathy
208. apishness
209. apologist
210. apologizer
211. apology
212. apostleship
213. apparition
214. appeal
215. appearance
216. appellation
217. applicability
218. applicant
219. application
220. appointment
221. appraisal
222. appreciation
223. apprehensiveness
224. apprenticeship
225. approachability
226. appropriateness
227. appropriation
228. appropriator
229. approval
230. approximation
231. aptitude
232. aptness
233. arbitration
234. arbitrator
235. arborist
236. archaeologist
237. ardor
238. argument
239. aristocracy
240. arrangement
241. arrestor
242. arrogance
243. arsonist
244. artfulness
245. articulacy
246. articulation
247. articulator
248. artificiality
249. artiness
250. artisanship
251. artist
252. artistry
253. artlessness
254. ascendance
255. aspect
256. aspersions
257. aspiration
258. assailant
259. assent
260. assertion
261. assertiveness
262. assignor
263. assimilation
264. assistance
265. assistant
266. assistantship
267. assistor
268. association
269. assortment
270. assumption
271. assurance
272. assuredness
273. assuror
274. astonishment
275. astrophysicist
276. astuteness
277. athlete
278. athleticism
279. atrociousness
280. atrocity
281. attachment
282. attack
283. attainability
284. attempt
285. attendance
286. attendant
287. attention
288. attentiveness
289. attitude
290. attraction
291. attractiveness
292. attractor
293. attribution
294. attrition
295. auction
296. audaciousness
297. audacity
298. audience
299. audition
300. auditor
301. augmentation
302. auspiciousness
303. austerity
304. authentication
305. authenticator
306. authenticity
307. author
308. authoritarian
309. authoritarianism
310. authoritativeness
311. authority
312. authorization
313. authorship
314. autocracy
315. availability
316. availableness
317. aversion
318. aviation
319. aviator
320. avocation
321. avoidance
322. awareness
323. awe
324. awesomeness
325. awfulness
326. awkwardness
327. babble
328. bachelor
329. background
330. backwardness
331. balance
332. balloonist
333. banality
334. banishment
335. banjoist
336. bankability
337. baptism
338. barbarian
339. barbarism
340. barbarity
341. bareness
342. barrenness
343. barriers
344. bashfulness
345. bassist
346. bastion
347. beautification
348. beautifulness
349. beauty
350. behavior
351. behaviorism
352. behaviorist
353. belatedness
354. beliefs
355. believability
356. belligerence
357. belongingness
358. benediction
359. benefactor
360. benevolence
361. benevolentness
362. bewilderedness
363. bewilderment
364. bicyclist
365. bigheartedness
366. bigness
367. bioactivity
368. biochemist
369. biodegradability
370. biodiversity
371. biographer
372. biologist
373. bioluminescence
374. biophysicist
375. bioscience
376. bipartisanship
377. bipolarization
378. bitterness
379. bizarreness
380. blackness
381. blamelessness
382. blameworthiness
383. blandness
384. bleakness
385. blessedness
386. blindness
387. blissfulness
388. blogger
389. blueness
390. blunder
391. bluntness
392. boastfulness
393. bohemian
394. boldness
395. bookishness
396. bookkeeper
397. boorishness
398. boredom
399. bossiness
400. botanist
401. boxer
402. bragger
403. braininess
404. brainlessness
405. brawniness
406. brazenness
407. breathiness
408. breeziness
409. brevity
410. bricklayer
411. brilliance
412. brinksmanship
413. briskness
414. brittleness
415. broadcaster
416. broker
417. brotherhood
418. brutality
419. brutalization
420. brutishness
421. builder
422. bulkiness
423. bullheadedness
424. bumpiness
425. burden
426. bureaucracy
427. bushiness
428. buyer
429. cabdriver
430. caddishness
431. cadence
432. cadetship
433. caginess
434. calamity
435. calculations
436. calibration
437. calligraphist
438. callousness
439. callowness
440. calmness
441. cancelation
442. cancellation
443. candidacy
444. candidness
445. candor
446. canonization
447. cantankerousness
448. capability
449. capacity
450. capitalist
451. capitalization
452. capriciousness
453. captainship
454. caption
455. captivation
456. captivity
457. carbonation
458. cardinalship
459. cardiologist
460. care
461. career
462. carefulness
463. caregiver
464. carelessness
465. carpenter
466. carsickness
467. cartoonist
468. castigation
469. castigator
470. casualness
471. categorization
472. category
473. cattiness
474. causality
475. causation
476. caution
477. cautiousness
478. cavity
479. celebration
480. celebrator
481. celebrity
482. censorship
483. centeredness
484. centrality
485. centralization
486. certification
487. cessation
488. chairmanship
489. challenge
490. championship
491. chance
492. chancellorship
493. changeability
494. changelessness
495. changes
496. channelization
497. chant
498. chaos
499. character
500. characteristics
1673. freeloader
1674. frenzy
1675. frequentation
1676. frequentness
1677. freshness
1678. friction
1679. friendliness
1680. friendship
1681. frightfulness
1682. frigidity
1683. friskiness
1684. frivolity
1685. frivolousness
1686. frostiness
1687. frothiness
1688. frozenness
1689. frugality
1690. fruitfulness
1691. fruitiness
1692. fruition
1693. frustration
1694. fulfillment
1695. fullness
1696. fumigation
1697. fumigator
1698. function
1699. functionality
1700. funeral
1701. funkiness
1702. funniness
1703. furor
1704. furtherance
1705. fussiness
1706. futileness
1707. futility
1708. futurist
1709. fuzziness
1710. gait
1711. galvanization
1712. gamesmanship
1713. garishness
1714. gassiness
1715. gastroenterologist
1716. gaudiness
1717. gawkiness
1718. gaze
1719. gelatinization
1720. genealogist
1721. generalist
1722. generality
1723. generalization
1724. generalship
1725. generation
1726. generosity
1727. generousness
1728. geneticist
1729. geniality
1730. genius
1731. gentlemanliness
1732. gentleness
1733. gentrification
1734. genuineness
1735. geophysicist
1736. geoscience
1737. germination
1738. gestation
1739. gestures
1740. ghastliness
1741. ghostliness
1742. ghoulishness
1743. gibberish
1744. giddiness
1745. giftedness
1746. girlishness
1747. gist
1748. glaciologist
1749. gladiator
1750. gladness
1751. glamorization
1752. glamorousness
1753. glance
1754. glassiness
1755. gleefulness
1756. glibness
1757. globalization
1758. gloom
1759. gloominess
1760. glorification
1761. glory
1762. glossiness
1763. glow
1764. glumness
1765. goodness
1766. goofiness
1767. gorgeousness
1768. gossip
1769. gossiper
1770. governance
1771. government
1772. governor
1773. governorship
1774. grace
1775. gracefulness
1776. gracelessness
1777. graciousness
1778. gradation
1779. gradualness
1780. graduation
1781. graininess
1782. grammarian
1783. grammaticalness
1784. grandiosity
1785. grandness
1786. grandparent
1787. grantor
1788. granularity
1789. granulation
1790. grasp
1791. gratefulness
1792. gratification
1793. gratitude
1794. gratuitousness
1795. gratuity
1796. graveness
1797. gravity
1798. grayness
1799. greasiness
1800. greatness
1801. greediness
1802. greeter
1803. greeting
1804. gregariousness
1805. grievance
1806. grimace
1807. griminess
1808. grimness
1809. grisliness
1810. grittiness
1811. grogginess
1812. grossness
1813. grotesqueness
1814. grouchiness
1815. growth
1816. gruesomeness
1817. gruffness
1818. grumpiness
1819. guarantor
1820. guardedness
1821. guardian
1822. guardianship
1823. guidance
1824. guide
1825. guiltiness
1826. guitarist
1827. gullibility
1828. gumption
1829. gushiness
1830. gutsiness
1831. gyration
1832. habitation
1833. habits
1834. habitualness
1835. habituation
1836. hairiness
1837. hairlessness
1838. hairstylist
1839. hallucination
1840. handcraftsmanship
1841. handicap
1842. handsomeness
1843. haplessness
1844. happiness
1845. harassment
1846. hardheadedness
1847. hardheartedness
1848. hardiness
1849. hardness
1850. hardship
1851. harmfulness
1852. harmonization
1853. harshness
1854. hastiness
1855. haughtiness
1856. hawkishness
1857. haziness
1858. health
1859. healthiness
1860. heavenliness
1861. heaviness
1862. heavyheartedness
1863. height
1864. heinousness
1865. helper
1866. helpfulness
1867. helplessness
1868. herbalist
1869. heredity
1870. hesitance
1871. hesitation
1872. hibernation
1873. hibernator
1874. hideousness
1875. highhandedness
1876. hilariousness
1877. hilarity
1878. hindrance
1879. hint
1880. hipness
1881. historian
1882. historicalness
1883. history
1884. hobbyist
1885. home
1886. homeliness
1887. homesickness
1888. hominess
1889. homogenization
1890. honor
1891. honorability
1892. hope
1893. hopefulness
1894. hopelessness
1895. horde
1896. horridness
1897. horror
1898. horsemanship
1899. horsepower
1900. horticulturist
1901. hospitality
1902. hospitalization
1903. hostility
1904. hotheadedness
1905. hotness
1906. huffiness
1907. hugeness
1908. humanitarian
1909. humanity
1910. humanization
1911. humankind
1912. humanness
1913. humbleness
1914. humidity
1915. humiliation
1916. humility
1917. humor
1918. humorist
1919. hungriness
1920. hurriedness
1921. hurtfulness
1922. huskiness
1923. hydration
1924. hygienist
1925. hyperactivity
1926. hyperawareness
1927. hyperinflation
1928. hyperirritability
1929. hyperparathyroidism
1930. hypersensitivity
1931. hyphenation
1932. hypnotherapist
1933. hypnotist
1934. hypocrisy
1935. hypothesis
1936. iciness
1937. idea
1938. idealist
1939. idealization
1940. ideals
1941. ideas
1942. identicalness
1943. identification
1944. identity
1945. idiosyncrasies
1946. idleness
1947. idolization
1948. ignorance
1949. illegality
1950. illegalization
1951. illegibility
1952. illegitimacy
1953. illicitness
1954. illiquidity
1955. illiteracy
1956. illiterateness
1957. illness
1958. illogicalness
1959. illumination
1960. illusionist
1961. illusions
1962. illusiveness
1963. illustration
1964. illustrator
1965. illustriousness
1966. imagery
1967. imagination
1968. imaginativeness
1969. imbalance
1970. imitation
1971. imitator
1972. immaculacy
3145. proponent
3146. proportion
3147. proposition
3148. proprietor
3149. proprietorship
3150. prosecution
3151. prosecutor
3152. prospect
3153. prospector
3154. prosperity
3155. protagonist
3156. protectant
3157. protection
3158. protector
3159. protest
3160. protestor
3161. provenience
3162. providence
3163. provocation
3164. prowess
3165. prowler
3166. proximity
3167. prudence
3168. pseudoscience
3169. psychiatrist
3170. psychologist
3171. psychotherapist
3172. publication
3173. publicist
3174. publicity
3175. pudginess
3176. puffiness
3177. pugnacity
3178. pulpiness
3179. pulsation
3180. pulverization
3181. punctuality
3182. punctuation
3183. puniness
3184. punishment
3185. pureness
3186. purgatory
3187. purification
3188. purist
3189. purity
3190. purpose
3191. purposefulness
3192. purposelessness
3193. pursuance
3194. pursuer
3195. pursuit
3196. purveyance
3197. purveyor
3198. pushiness
3199. putridity
3200. quaintness
3201. qualification
3202. qualities
3203. quality
3204. quantification
3205. quantity
3206. quarrelsomeness
3207. quarterfinalist
3208. queasiness
3209. quest
3210. question
3211. quickness
3212. quietness
3213. quintessence
3214. quirkiness
3215. quizzicality
3216. quotation
3217. quotient
3218. radiance
3219. radiation
3220. radicalization
3221. radioactivity
3222. raggedness
3223. rakishness
3224. rambunctiousness
3225. ramification
3226. rancidness
3227. randomization
3228. randomness
3229. rankness
3230. rant
3231. rapidity
3232. rapidness
3233. rareness
3234. rarity
3235. rashness
3236. ratification
3237. ration
3238. rationality
3239. rationalization
3240. raucousness
3241. rawness
3242. reaction
3243. reactivation
3244. reactivity
3245. readability
3246. reader
3247. readership
3248. readiness
3249. reaffirmation
3250. realignment
3251. realism
3252. reality
3253. realization
3254. reallocation
3255. realness
3256. realtor
3257. reanimation
3258. reappearance
3259. reapplication
3260. reapportion
3261. rearrangement
3262. reason
3263. reasonability
3264. reasonableness
3265. reasoning
3266. reassessment
3267. reassignment
3268. reassurance
3269. rebelliousness
3270. rebuke
3271. recalibration
3272. recapitalization
3273. receivership
3274. recentness
3275. reception
3276. receptionist
3277. receptiveness
3278. receptivity
3279. recertification
3280. recess
3281. reciprocation
3282. reciprocator
3283. reciprocity
3284. recital
3285. recitation
3286. recklessness
3287. reclamation
3288. reclassification
3289. recluse
3290. reclusiveness
3291. recognition
3292. recollection
3293. recommendation
3294. recommitment
3295. recondition
3296. reconfiguration
3297. reconfirmation
3298. reconnaissance
3299. reconstruction
3300. recontamination
3301. recoverability
3302. recreation
3303. recrimination
3304. recruitment
3305. rectangularity
3306. rectification
3307. rectory
3308. recuperation
3309. recurrence
3310. recycler
3311. reddishness
3312. redecoration
3313. rededication
3314. redemption
3315. redistribution
3316. redness
3317. reduction
3318. reeducation
3319. reelection
3320. reemergence
3321. reenactment
3322. reestablishment
3323. reevaluation
3324. reference
3325. referrer
3326. refinement
3327. reflection
3328. reflectivity
3329. reflexivity
3330. reforestation
3331. reformation
3332. reformulation
3333. refraction
3334. refractivity
3335. refrigeration
3336. refutation
3337. regality
3338. regard
3339. regeneration
3340. regent
3341. regimentation
3342. regionalization
3343. registrant
3344. registration
3345. regret
3346. regularity
3347. regulation
3348. regurgitation
3349. rehabilitation
3350. rehabilitator
3351. rehydration
3352. reimbursement
3353. reinforcement
3354. reinstallation
3355. reinterpretation
3356. reinvention
3357. reinvigoration
3358. reiteration
3359. rejection
3360. rejuvenation
3361. rejuvenator
3362. relatedness
3363. relation
3364. relationship
3365. relative
3366. relativity
3367. relator
3368. relaxation
3369. relaxedness
3370. relegation
3371. relentlessness
3372. relevance
3373. reliability
3374. reliance
3375. religiosity
3376. religiousness
3377. relinquishment
3378. relocation
3379. reluctance
3380. remark
3381. remarkableness
3382. remediation
3383. remilitarization
3384. remittance
3385. remobilization
3386. remorse
3387. remorsefulness
3388. remorselessness
3389. remoteness
3390. removability
3391. remuneration
3392. renaissance
3393. renationalization
3394. rendition
3395. renegotiation
3396. renewability
3397. renouncement
3398. renovation
3399. renovator
3400. renter
3401. renunciation
3402. reoccupation
3403. reoccurrence
3404. reorganization
3405. reorientation
3406. reparation
3407. repartee
3408. repeatability
3409. repellent
3410. repentance
3411. repetition
3412. repetitiousness
3413. repetitiveness
3414. replacement
3415. replenishment
3416. replication
3417. replicator
3418. repository
3419. reprehensibility
3420. representation
3421. repression
3422. repressor
3423. reproducibility
3424. reproduction
3425. republication
3426. repudiation
3427. repudiator
3428. repugnance
3429. repulsiveness
3430. reputation
3431. requirement
3432. research
3433. researcher
3434. resemblance
3435. resentfulness
3436. resentment
3437. reservation
3438. reserve
3439. resignation
3440. resilience
3441. resistance
3442. resistibility
3443. resistivity
3444. resoluteness
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501. characterization
502. charitableness
503. charity
504. charm
505. chatter
506. chatterer
507. chattiness
508. cheapness
509. cheater
510. cheekiness
511. cheerfulness
512. cheeriness
513. cheerleader
514. cheerlessness
515. cheesiness
516. chemist
517. chieftainship
518. childhood
519. childishness
520. chiropractor
521. chiseler
522. chivalrousness
523. chlorination
524. choiceness
525. choppiness
526. chorographer
527. chubbiness
528. chumminess
529. cinematographer
530. circulation
531. circumference
532. circumnavigation
533. circumstance
534. circumstances
535. citation
536. citizen
537. citizenship
538. civilian
539. civility
540. civilization
541. claimant
542. clairvoyant
543. clamminess
544. clarification
545. clarity
546. classification
547. classiness
548. cleaner
549. cleanliness
550. clearance
551. clearness
552. clerkship
553. cleverness
554. cliffhanger
555. climatologist
556. cliquishness
557. closeness
558. closing
559. cloudiness
560. clownishness
561. clumsiness
562. coagulation
563. coalition
564. coarseness
565. coauthor
566. cockiness
567. coconspirator
568. code
569. codependence
570. coder
571. codification
572. coefficient
573. coerciveness
574. coexistence
575. cognation
576. cognition
577. cognizance
578. cohabitation
579. coherence
580. cohesiveness
581. coincidence
582. coldness
583. collaboration
584. collaborator
585. collapsibility
586. collectedness
587. collection
588. collector
589. colonization
590. color
591. colorblindness
592. colorfulness
593. colorlessness
594. combatant
595. combativeness
596. combination
597. combustion
598. comedian
599. comedy
600. comeuppance
601. comfort
602. comfortableness
603. command
604. commandant
605. commander
606. commandership
607. commandment
608. commemoration
609. commemorator
610. commencement
611. commendation
612. commensuration
613. comment
614. commentator
615. commercial
616. commercialism
617. commerciality
618. commercialization
619. commissioner
620. commissionership
621. commitment
622. commodity
623. commonality
624. commonness
625. commotion
626. communicability
627. communicativeness
628. communicator
629. communism
630. community
631. commutation
632. commuter
633. compaction
634. compactness
635. companionship
636. comparability
637. comparativeness
638. compartmentalization
639. compatibility
640. compensation
641. competence
642. competition
643. competitiveness
644. competitor
645. compilation
646. complacence
647. complacency
648. complainant
649. completeness
650. completion
651. complexities
652. complexity
653. compliance
654. complication
655. compliment
656. component
657. composition
658. composure
659. comprehensibility
660. comprehensiveness
661. compulsiveness
662. compulsivity
663. computation
664. computerization
665. comradeship
666. concealment
667. conceit
668. conceitedness
669. conceivability
670. concentration
671. conceptualization
672. concession
673. conciseness
674. conclusion
675. conclusiveness
676. concoction
677. concreteness
678. condemnation
679. condensation
680. condescendence
681. condescension
682. condition
683. conditionality
684. conduciveness
685. conduct
686. conductibility
687. conductivity
688. conductor
689. confederation
690. conference
691. confessor
692. confidence
693. confidentiality
694. configuration
695. confinement
696. confirmation
697. confiscation
698. confiscator
699. confliction
700. confluence
701. conformation
702. conformist
703. conformity
704. confrontation
705. confusedness
706. confusion
707. congeniality
708. congestion
709. conglomeration
710. congratulation
711. congratulator
712. congregation
713. congruence
714. congruity
715. connection
716. connectivity
717. connoisseur
718. connoisseurship
719. connotation
720. conqueror
721. conquest
722. conquistador
723. conscience
724. conscientiousness
725. consciousness
726. consent
727. consequence
728. conservation
729. conservationist
730. conservativeness
731. conservatorship
732. conservatory
733. consideration
734. consignment
735. consignor
736. consolation
737. consolidation
738. consolidator
739. consonant
740. conspicuousness
741. conspiracy
742. conspirator
743. constant
744. consternation
745. constitution
746. constitutionality
747. constriction
748. construction
749. constructiveness
750. consulship
751. consultant
752. consultation
753. consumption
754. contagiousness
755. containerization
756. containment
757. contaminant
758. contamination
759. contaminator
760. contemplation
761. contemplator
762. contempt
763. contemptibility
764. contentedness
765. contention
766. contestant
767. contingency
768. continuance
769. continuation
770. continuity
771. continuousness
772. contortionist
773. contraction
774. contractor
775. contradiction
776. contradictor
777. contraption
778. contrast
779. contribution
780. contributor
781. contriteness
782. contrition
783. controllability
784. controversy
785. convalescence
786. convection
787. convenience
788. convention
789. conventionality
790. convergence
791. conversation
792. conversationalist
793. conveyance
794. conviction
795. convulsiveness
796. coolant
797. coolness
798. cooperation
799. cooperativeness
800. coordinator
801. cordiality
802. corniness
803. coronation
804. corporation
805. corpulence
806. correction
807. correctness
808. correlation
809. correspondence
810. correspondent
811. corroboration
812. corroborator
813. corrosiveness
814. corruptibility
815. corruption
816. corruptness
817. corruptor
818. cosmetologist
819. cosmologist
820. cosponsor
821. costliness
822. councillorship
823. counselor
824. countenance
825. counteraccusation
826. counterintelligence
827. courage
828. courageousness
829. courteousness
830. courtesy
831. courtliness
832. courtship
833. cousinship
834. covertness
835. cowardliness
836. coziness
837. craft
838. craftiness
839. craftsmanship
840. crankiness
841. craving
842. creakiness
843. creation
844. creativeness
845. creativity
846. creator
847. credence
848. credibility
849. creditor
850. creditworthiness
851. creed
852. creepiness
853. criminality
854. criminalization
855. criminologist
856. crispiness
857. crispness
858. criticism
859. crookedness
860. crudeness
861. cruelness
862. crunchiness
863. crystallization
864. culmination
865. culpability
866. cultivation
867. cultivator
868. culture
869. cumulativeness
870. curability
871. curator
872. curatorship
873. curiosity
874. curtness
875. curves
876. custodian
877. custodianship
878. customer
879. customization
880. cuteness
881. cynicism
882. daftness
883. daintiness
884. dalliance
885. damage
886. damageability
887. dampness
888. dance
889. dancer
890. danger
891. dangerousness
892. darkness
893. data
894. dawdler
895. dawn
896. daydreamer
897. deactivation
898. deadline
899. dealership
900. deanship
1973. immaturity
1974. immediacy
1975. immigration
1976. immobilization
1977. immoderacy
1978. immorality
1979. immortality
1980. immortalization
1981. immunity
1982. immunization
1983. impartiality
1984. impassivity
1985. impatience
1986. impeachment
1987. imperativeness
1988. imperfection
1989. imperfectness
1990. imperialist
1991. impermanence
1992. impersonation
1993. impersonator
1994. impertinence
1995. impetuousness
1996. impishness
1997. implausibility
1998. implementation
1999. implication
2000. implicitness
2001. impoliteness
2002. importance
2003. imposition
2004. impossibility
2005. imposter
2006. impostor
2007. impracticality
2008. impression
2009. impressiveness
2010. improbability
2011. improperness
2012. improvement
2013. improvisation
2014. imprudence
2015. impudence
2016. impulse
2017. impulsiveness
2018. impulsivity
2019. impunity
2020. impureness
2021. impurity
2022. inability
2023. inaccessibility
2024. inaccuracy
2025. inaction
2026. inactivation
2027. inactivity
2028. inadequacy
2029. inadequateness
2030. inadmissibility
2031. inappropriateness
2032. inarticulacy
2033. inattention
2034. incapacitation
2035. incarceration
2036. inception
2037. incidence
2038. incident
2039. incineration
2040. incisiveness
2041. inciter
2042. incivility
2043. inclination
2044. incoherence
2045. incompatibility
2046. incompetence
2047. incompleteness
2048. incongruence
2049. incongruity
2050. inconsiderateness
2051. inconvenience
2052. incorrectness
2053. incredibleness
2054. incubation
2055. incumbent
2056. indebtedness
2057. indecisiveness
2058. indelicacy
2059. indentation
2060. independence
2061. indeterminacy
2062. indication
2063. indicator
2064. indifference
2065. indigence
2066. indigenousness
2067. indigestion
2068. indignation
2069. indignity
2070. indiscretion
2071. individuality
2072. indivisibility
2073. indoctrination
2074. indolence
2075. induction
2076. indulgence
2077. industrialist
2078. industrialization
2079. ineffectiveness
2080. ineffectualness
2081. inefficacy
2082. inefficiency
2083. inelasticity
2084. ineligibility
2085. ineptitude
2086. ineptness
2087. inequality
2088. inexistence
2089. inexpedience
2090. inexpensiveness
2091. inexperience
2092. infallibility
2093. infatuation
2094. infeasibility
2095. infection
2096. inference
2097. inferiority
2098. infestation
2099. infiltration
2100. infiniteness
2101. infinity
2102. infirmity
2103. inflammability
2104. inflammation
2105. inflation
2106. inflection
2107. inflexibility
2108. infliction
2109. influence
2110. informality
2111. informant
2112. information
2113. informer
2114. infraction
2115. infrequence
2116. ingeniousness
2117. ingenuity
2118. ingratitude
2119. ingredient
2120. inhabitant
2121. inhalant
2122. inhalation
2123. inharmoniousness
2124. inheritance
2125. inheritor
2126. inhibition
2127. inhibitor
2128. inhumanity
2129. inhumanness
2130. initialization
2131. initiation
2132. injection
2133. injunction
2134. injustice
2135. innocence
2136. innovation
2137. innumeracy
2138. inoculation
2139. inoffensiveness
2140. inopportuneness
2141. inquisition
2142. inquisitor
2143. insanity
2144. inscription
2145. insecurity
2146. inseparability
2147. insertion
2148. insidiousness
2149. insight
2150. insignificance
2151. insincerity
2152. insinuation
2153. insinuator
2154. insistence
2155. insolence
2156. inspection
2157. inspector
2158. inspectorship
2159. inspiration
2160. instability
2161. installation
2162. instance
2163. instigator
2164. instillation
2165. instinct
2166. institution
2167. institutionalization
2168. instruction
2169. instructor
2170. instructorship
2171. insubordination
2172. insulation
2173. insurability
2174. insurance
2175. insurgence
2176. insurrection
2177. intangibility
2178. intangibleness
2179. integrity
2180. intellectualization
2181. intellectualness
2182. intelligence
2183. intelligibility
2184. intemperance
2185. intenseness
2186. intensification
2187. intensity
2188. intention
2189. interaction
2190. interception
2191. interceptor
2192. interchangeability
2193. interconnectedness
2194. interconnection
2195. interdependence
2196. interference
2197. interjection
2198. interjector
2199. intermediacy
2200. internalization
2201. internship
2202. interpreter
2203. interrelatedness
2204. interrelationship
2205. interrogation
2206. interrogator
2207. interrupter
2208. interruption
2209. intersection
2210. intervention
2211. intimacy
2212. intimidation
2213. intimidator
2214. intolerability
2215. intolerance
2216. intonation
2217. intrepidness
2218. intricacy
2219. introduction
2220. introspection
2221. intrusiveness
2222. intuition
2223. intuitiveness
2224. invalidator
2225. invalidity
2226. invariability
2227. invasiveness
2228. invention
2229. inventor
2230. inventory
2231. investigation
2232. investigator
2233. investment
2234. investor
2235. inveteracy
2236. invincibility
2237. inviolacy
2238. invisibility
2239. invitation
2240. involvement
2241. invulnerability
2242. inwardness
2243. ion
2244. ionization
2245. iridescence
2246. irksomeness
2247. irradiation
2248. irrationality
2249. irrefutability
2250. irregularity
2251. irrelevance
2252. irresistibility
2253. irresponsibility
2254. irresponsiveness
2255. irreverence
2256. irrigation
2257. irritability
2258. irritant
2259. irritation
2260. isocracy
2261. isolation
2262. isolationism
2263. isolationist
2264. itchiness
2265. iterance
2266. jadedness
2267. jaggedness
2268. jailor
2269. janitor
2270. jargon
2271. jazziness
2272. jealousness
2273. jealousy
2274. joblessness
2275. jocularity
2276. joker
2277. jollification
2278. jolliness
2279. journalist
2280. joviality
2281. joy
2282. joyfulness
2283. joylessness
2284. joyousness
2285. jubilance
2286. jubilation
2287. judgeship
2288. judgment
2289. judiciousness
2290. juiciness
2291. junction
2292. junior
2293. jurisdiction
2294. jurisprudence
2295. jurist
2296. juror
2297. justice
2298. justification
2299. juxtaposition
2300. keenness
2301. keyboardist
2302. kindheartedness
2303. kindness
2304. kingdom
2305. kingship
2306. kinship
2307. klutziness
2308. knowledge
2309. kookiness
2310. laboratory
2311. labyrinth
2312. laceration
2313. ladyship
2314. landownership
2315. language
2316. lapse
2317. largeness
2318. lateness
2319. laugh
2320. laughableness
2321. laughter
2322. lavishness
2323. law
2324. lawbreaker
2325. lawfulness
2326. lawlessness
2327. laxness
2328. laziness
2329. leadership
2330. learner
2331. legacy
2332. legality
2333. legalization
2334. legislation
2335. legislator
2336. legitimacy
2337. lengthiness
2338. levelheadedness
2339. levitation
2340. levity
2341. liability
2342. liberalization
2343. liberation
2344. liberator
2345. libertarian
2346. librarian
2347. librarianship
2348. license
2349. licensor
2350. lie
2351. lieutenant
2352. life
2353. lifelessness
2354. ligation
2355. light
2356. lightheartedness
2357. lightness
2358. likability
2359. likeness
2360. limitation
2361. limitlessness
2362. lineage
2363. linguist
2364. liquidation
2365. liquidator
2366. liquidity
2367. listener
2368. listenership
2369. literacy
2370. litigant
2371. litigation
2372. litigator
3445. resolution
3446. resonance
3447. resourcefulness
3448. respectability
3449. respectfulness
3450. respiration
3451. respondent
3452. response
3453. responsibility
3454. responsiveness
3455. rest
3456. restatement
3457. restitution
3458. restlessness
3459. restoration
3460. restraint
3461. restriction
3462. restrictiveness
3463. result
3464. resumption
3465. resurgence
3466. resurrection
3467. resuscitation
3468. retaliation
3469. retention
3470. reticence
3471. retirement
3472. retraction
3473. retreat
3474. retribution
3475. retrospection
3476. reunification
3477. reusability
3478. reutilization
3479. revelation
3480. revengefulness
3481. reverberation
3482. reverence
3483. reversibility
3484. revitalization
3485. revocation
3486. revolution
3487. reward
3488. riches
3489. richness
3490. ridership
3491. ridicule
3492. ridiculousness
3493. righteousness
3494. rights
3495. rigidity
3496. rigidness
3497. ringleader
3498. ripeness
3499. riskiness
3500. robustness
3501. rockiness
3502. roguishness
3503. romance
3504. romanticism
3505. roominess
3506. rotation
3507. rottenness
3508. roughness
3509. roundness
3510. rowdiness
3511. rudeness
3512. ruffian
3513. ruggedness
3514. rule
3515. ruler
3516. rumor
3517. runner
3518. rustiness
3519. ruthlessness
3520. sacredness
3521. sacrifice
3522. sadness
3523. safeness
3524. sailor
3525. saintliness
3526. salaciousness
3527. salesmanship
3528. salience
3529. salinity
3530. salivation
3531. saltiness
3532. salutation
3533. salvation
3534. sameness
3535. sanctimoniousness
3536. sanction
3537. sanctity
3538. saneness
3539. sanitation
3540. sanitization
3541. sanitizer
3542. sanity
3543. sappiness
3544. sarcasm
3545. satiation
3546. satire
3547. satirist
3548. satisfaction
3549. saturation
3550. sauciness
3551. savageness
3552. savant
3553. savior
3554. saxophonist
3555. saying
3556. scarceness
3557. scarcity
3558. scholarship
3559. science
3560. scientist
3561. scintillator
3562. scope
3563. scorn
3564. scornfulness
3565. scowl
3566. scrappiness
3567. scrawniness
3568. scruffiness
3569. scruples
3570. scrupulousness
3571. scrutiny
3572. sculptor
3573. sealant
3574. seamanship
3575. seamlessness
3576. seasickness
3577. seasonality
3578. seaworthiness
3579. seclusion
3580. secret
3581. secretion
3582. secretiveness
3583. section
3584. secularity
3585. secularization
3586. securitization
3587. security
3588. sedation
3589. sedition
3590. seditiousness
3591. seediness
3592. seemliness
3593. segmentation
3594. selection
3595. selectiveness
3596. selectivity
3597. selector
3598. selfishness
3599. selflessness
3600. seller
3601. semblance
3602. semidarkness
3603. senator
3604. senatorship
3605. senility
3606. senior
3607. seniority
3608. sensation
3609. sensationalism
3610. sense
3611. senselessness
3612. sensibilities
3613. sensibility
3614. sensitivity
3615. sentence
3616. sentience
3617. sentiment
3618. sentimentalism
3619. sentimentality
3620. sentiments
3621. separateness
3622. separation
3623. separator
3624. sequence
3625. serendipity
3626. sereneness
3627. serenity
3628. sergeant
3629. serialization
3630. series
3631. seriousness
3632. servant
3633. server
3634. service
3635. serviceability
3636. servitude
3637. severance
3638. severity
3639. shabbiness
3640. shadiness
3641. shadowiness
3642. shagginess
3643. shakiness
3644. shallowness
3645. shamefulness
3646. shamelessness
3647. sharpness
3648. sheen
3649. sheepishness
3650. shiftiness
3651. shininess
3652. shoddiness
3653. shopkeeper
3654. shopper
3655. shortness
3656. shortsightedness
3657. showiness
3658. showmanship
3659. showrunner
3660. shrewdness
3661. shrillness
3662. sickliness
3663. sickness
3664. significance
3665. signification
3666. silence
3667. silkiness
3668. silliness
3669. similarity
3670. simplemindedness
3671. simplicity
3672. simplification
3673. simulation
3674. simulator
3675. sincerity
3676. singer
3677. singularity
3678. situation
3679. size
3680. skepticism
3681. sketchiness
3682. skill
3683. skillfulness
3684. skimpiness
3685. skinniness
3686. skittishness
3687. sky
3688. slander
3689. slanderer
3690. sleaziness
3691. sleekness
3692. sleepiness
3693. slenderness
3694. slickness
3695. sliminess
3696. slipperiness
3697. sloppiness
3698. slothfulness
3699. slovenliness
3700. slowness
3701. sluggishness
3702. smallness
3703. smartness
3704. smile
3705. smoothness
3706. smugness
3707. sneakiness
3708. sneer
3709. snobbishness
3710. snootiness
3711. snugness
3712. soapiness
3713. sociability
3714. socialism
3715. socialist
3716. socialization
3717. society
3718. sociologist
3719. softness
3720. sogginess
3721. solicitation
3722. solicitor
3723. solidarity
3724. solidification
3725. solitude
3726. solubility
3727. solution
3728. solvent
3729. somberness
3730. songwriter
3731. sophist
3732. sophistication
3733. sorcerer
3734. sordidness
3735. sorrow
3736. sorrowfulness
3737. soul
3738. soulfulness
3739. soundness
3740. source
3741. sourness
3742. space
3743. spaciousness
3744. sparseness
3745. speaker
3746. speakership
3747. specialist
3748. specialization
3749. specialness
3750. specification
3751. specificity
3752. spectacle
3753. spectator
3754. spectatorship
3755. speculation
3756. speculator
3757. speech
3758. speechlessness
3759. speediness
3760. speller
3761. spiciness
3762. spinelessness
3763. spirit
3764. spiritedness
3765. spiritualist
3766. spirituality
3767. spitefulness
3768. splendor
3769. sponginess
3770. sponsor
3771. sponsorship
3772. spontaneity
3773. spookiness
3774. sportiness
3775. sportsmanship
3776. spotlessness
3777. spring
3778. springiness
3779. spunkiness
3780. squalor
3781. squishiness
3782. stability
3783. stabilization
3784. stagnation
3785. stance
3786. standardization
3787. star
3788. stardom
3789. stare
3790. starvation
3791. state
3792. stateliness
3793. statement
3794. statesmanship
3795. station
3796. statistician
3797. stature
3798. staunchness
3799. steadiness
3800. steepness
3801. step
3802. sterility
3803. sterilization
3804. sternness
3805. stewardship
3806. stickiness
3807. stiffness
3808. stillness
3809. stimulant
3810. stimulation
3811. stimulator
3812. stimulus
3813. stinginess
3814. stipulation
3815. stipulator
3816. stockiness
3817. stodginess
3818. stoic
3819. stoicism
3820. storminess
3821. story
3822. storyteller
3823. straightforwardness
3824. straightness
3825. strangeness
3826. strategist
3827. strategy
3828. strength
3829. strenuousness
3830. stress
3831. stressor
3832. strictness
3833. structure
3834. struggles
3835. stubbornness
3836. student
3837. studentship
3838. stuffiness
3839. sturdiness
3840. style
3841. stylishness
3842. stylist
3843. stylization
3844. suaveness
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901. debilitation
902. debility
903. decadence
904. decalcification
905. deceitfulness
906. decentralization
907. deception
908. decidedness
909. decimation
910. decisiveness
911. declaration
912. declassification
913. decolonization
914. decomposition
915. decongestant
916. decongestion
917. deconstruction
918. decontamination
919. decorativeness
920. decorator
921. decriminalization
922. decryption
923. dedication
924. dedicator
925. deductibility
926. deduction
927. deepness
928. defamation
929. defeatism
930. defeatist
931. defection
932. defectiveness
933. defector
934. defendant
935. defender
936. defenselessness
937. defensibility
938. defensiveness
939. deference
940. defiance
941. defibrillation
942. definiteness
943. definition
944. deflation
945. deflection
946. deforestation
947. deformity
948. degeneracy
949. degeneration
950. degradation
951. dehumanization
952. dehydration
953. deification
954. deindustrialization
955. deionization
956. dejectedness
957. dejection
958. delegacy
959. delegation
960. deletion
961. deliberateness
962. deliberation
963. delicacy
964. deliciousness
965. delight
966. delightfulness
967. deliverability
968. deliverance
969. delocalization
970. demagnetization
971. demands
972. demarcation
973. dematerialization
974. demeanor
975. dementedness
976. demilitarization
977. democracy
978. demolition
979. demolitionist
980. demonstrability
981. demonstration
982. demonstrator
983. demoralization
984. demotion
985. demureness
986. demystification
987. demythologization
988. denationalization
989. denaturalization
990. deniability
991. denial
992. denigration
993. denigrator
994. denomination
995. denominator
996. denotation
997. denseness
998. density
999. dentist
1000. denuclearization
1001. denunciation
1002. deodorization
1003. departmentalization
1004. dependability
1005. dependableness
1006. dependence
1007. depersonalization
1008. depiction
1009. depletion
1010. deplorableness
1011. depolarization
1012. deportation
1013. deposition
1014. depositor
1015. depository
1016. depravation
1017. deprecation
1018. depreciation
1019. depression
1020. depressurization
1021. deprivation
1022. deregulation
1023. dereliction
1024. derisiveness
1025. derivation
1026. dermatologist
1027. desalinization
1028. descendant
1029. descent
1030. description
1031. descriptiveness
1032. desecration
1033. desegregation
1034. desensitization
1035. desertion
1036. deservedness
1037. designation
1038. designer
1039. desirability
1040. desire
1041. desires
1042. desolation
1043. despair
1044. desperateness
1045. desperation
1046. despondence
1047. destabilization
1048. destination
1049. destiny
1050. destructibility
1051. destruction
1052. destructiveness
1053. destructivity
1054. detachability
1055. detachedness
1056. details
1057. detection
1058. detector
1059. detention
1060. deterioration
1061. determinant
1062. determination
1063. determinedness
1064. deterrence
1065. detonation
1066. detoxification
1067. devaluation
1068. devastation
1069. development
1070. deviation
1071. deviousness
1072. devotedness
1073. devotion
1074. devoutness
1075. dexterity
1076. diagnostician
1077. dialectician
1078. dialogue
1079. dictation
1080. dictator
1081. dictatorialness
1082. dictatorship
1083. diction
1084. difference
1085. differentiation
1086. differentness
1087. difficulty
1088. digestibility
1089. digestion
1090. digitalization
1091. digitization
1092. dignity
1093. digression
1094. dilapidation
1095. dilatant
1096. dilation
1097. dilemma
1098. diligence
1099. dilution
1100. dimness
1101. dinginess
1102. diplomacy
1103. direction
1104. directionality
1105. directness
1106. director
1107. directorship
1108. directory
1109. direness
1110. dirtiness
1111. disability
1112. disadvantageousness
1113. disaffection
1114. disaffiliation
1115. disagreeableness
1116. disagreement
1117. disallowance
1118. disappearance
1119. disappointment
1120. disapproval
1121. disassociation
1122. disbelief
1123. disciple
1124. discipleship
1125. disciplinarian
1126. discipline
1127. disclosure
1128. discoloration
1129. disconnectedness
1130. disconnection
1131. discontent
1132. discontentedness
1133. discontinuance
1134. discontinuation
1135. discontinuity
1136. discourse
1137. discourteousness
1138. discourtesy
1139. discreetness
1140. discrimination
1141. discriminator
1142. disdain
1143. disgrace
1144. disgracefulness
1145. disguise
1146. dishonorableness
1147. disinclination
1148. disinfectant
1149. disinfection
1150. disinflation
1151. disinformation
1152. disingenuousness
1153. disinheritance
1154. disintegration
1155. disjointedness
1156. dislocation
1157. dismalness
1158. dismay
1159. disobedience
1160. disorderliness
1161. disorganization
1162. disorientation
1163. disparity
1164. display
1165. disposition
1166. disproportion
1167. disputant
1168. disqualification
1169. disregard
1170. disrespect
1171. disrespectability
1172. disruption
1173. disruptiveness
1174. dissatisfaction
1175. dissemination
1176. dissension
1177. dissent
1178. dissention
1179. dissertation
1180. dissidence
1181. dissident
1182. dissimilarity
1183. dissipation
1184. dissociation
1185. dissolution
1186. dissonance
1187. dissonant
1188. distance
1189. distastefulness
1190. distillation
1191. distinction
1192. distinctness
1193. distortion
1194. distractibility
1195. distraction
1196. distribution
1197. distributor
1198. distributorship
1199. distrust
1200. disturbance
2373. liveliness
2374. loafer
2375. lobbyist
2376. location
2377. locution
2378. loftiness
2379. logicalness
2380. loneliness
2381. lonesomeness
2382. longevity
2383. longing
2384. look
2385. looks
2386. looseness
2387. lopsidedness
2388. loquaciousness
2389. lordship
2390. loudness
2391. loutishness
2392. lovability
2393. love
2394. loveliness
2395. lowliness
2396. loyalist
2397. loyalty
2398. lucidity
2399. luckiness
2400. ludicrousness
2401. luminescence
2402. luminosity
2403. luminousness
2404. lumpiness
2405. lunacy
2406. lusciousness
2407. lushness
2408. luster
2409. luxuriousness
2410. luxury
2411. lyricist
2412. machinist
2413. madness
2414. magician
2415. magistracy
2416. magnetization
2417. magnification
2418. magnificence
2419. magniloquence
2420. magnitude
2421. maintainability
2422. maintenance
2423. majority
2424. malcontent
2425. malevolence
2426. malfeasance
2427. malformation
2428. malfunction
2429. malice
2430. maliciousness
2431. malnutrition
2432. mammal
2433. manageability
2434. management
2435. manager
2436. maneuverability
2437. manicurist
2438. manifestation
2439. manipulation
2440. manipulator
2441. mankind
2442. manner
2443. marketability
2444. marketer
2445. marksmanship
2446. martyrdom
2447. masculinity
2448. massiveness
2449. mastery
2450. materialization
2451. maternity
2452. math
2453. mathematician
2454. mathematics
2455. matriculation
2456. maturation
2457. maturity
2458. maximization
2459. meagerness
2460. meaning
2461. meaningfulness
2462. meaninglessness
2463. meanness
2464. measurability
2465. measurement
2466. mechanization
2467. medalist
2468. meddlesomeness
2469. mediation
2470. mediator
2471. medication
2472. medievalist
2473. mediocrity
2474. meditation
2475. meditator
2476. meekness
2477. mellowness
2478. membership
2479. memorization
2480. memory
2481. mentalist
2482. mentality
2483. mentor
2484. mentorship
2485. merchant
2486. merit
2487. meritocracy
2488. merriment
2489. merriness
2490. mess
2491. messiness
2492. metallization
2493. metaphor
2494. meteorologist
2495. method
2496. meticulousness
2497. microbiologist
2498. mightiness
2499. migrant
2500. migration
2501. migrator
2502. mildness
2503. militant
2504. militarism
2505. militarization
2506. mind
2507. mindfulness
2508. mindlessness
2509. miniaturization
2510. minimalist
2511. minimization
2512. minimizer
2513. minor
2514. minority
2515. mirth
2516. mirthfulness
2517. misadministration
2518. misalliance
2519. misapplication
2520. misappropriation
2521. misbalance
2522. misbehavior
2523. miscalculation
2524. mischaracterization
2525. mischievousness
2526. misclassification
2527. miscommunication
2528. misdemeanor
2529. miser
2530. miserliness
2531. misery
2532. misfeasance
2533. misgivings
2534. misguidance
2535. misinformation
2536. misinterpretation
2537. mismanagement
2538. misperception
2539. misplacement
2540. mispronunciation
2541. misrepresentation
2542. mistake
2543. mistreatment
2544. mistrustfulness
2545. mitigation
2546. mobility
2547. mobilization
2548. mobocracy
2549. modality
2550. mode
2551. moderation
2552. moderator
2553. modernization
2554. modesty
2555. modification
2556. modularity
2557. modulation
2558. moistness
2559. moldiness
2560. moment
2561. monarchist
2562. monetization
2563. monocracy
2564. monopolization
2565. monotone
2566. monotony
2567. monstrosity
2568. monumentality
2569. mood
2570. moodiness
2571. moralist
2572. morality
2573. morals
2574. morbidity
2575. moroseness
2576. mortality
2577. mortician
2578. motherliness
2579. motion
2580. motionlessness
2581. motivation
2582. motivator
2583. motive
2584. motorcyclist
2585. motorist
2586. motorization
2587. mournfulness
2588. mousiness
2589. movement
2590. moviedom
2591. muddiness
2592. mugginess
2593. multidimensionality
2594. multiplication
2595. multiplicity
2596. multitude
2597. mummification
2598. municipality
2599. muralist
2600. murkiness
2601. murmur
2602. muscularity
2603. mushiness
2604. music
2605. musicality
2606. musicianship
2607. musicologist
2608. muskiness
2609. mustiness
2610. mutant
2611. mutation
2612. mutilation
2613. mysteriousness
2614. mystification
2615. mythologist
2616. namelessness
2617. nap
2618. narcissism
2619. narcissist
2620. narration
2621. narrator
2622. narrowness
2623. nasality
2624. nastiness
2625. nation
2626. nationalism
2627. nationality
2628. nationalization
2629. naturalist
2630. naturalization
2631. naturalness
2632. nature
2633. naughtiness
2634. navigation
2635. navigator
2636. nearness
2637. nearsightedness
2638. neatness
2639. nebulosity
2640. nebulousness
2641. necessitation
2642. necessity
2643. neediness
2644. needs
2645. negation
2646. negativity
2647. neglect
2648. neglectfulness
2649. negligence
2650. negotiability
2651. negotiation
2652. negotiator
2653. neighbor
2654. neighborhood
2655. neighborliness
2656. nerviness
2657. nervousness
2658. neurologist
2659. neuroscience
2660. neuroscientist
2661. neuroticism
2662. neurotoxicity
2663. neutrality
2664. neutralization
2665. newness
2666. newsworthiness
2667. niceness
2668. niceties
2669. nihilism
2670. nihilist
2671. nimbleness
2672. nobility
3845. subcategory
3846. subcontractor
3847. subjectivity
3848. submission
3849. submissiveness
3850. subordination
3851. subordinator
3852. subscriber
3853. subscription
3854. subsection
3855. subservience
3856. subsidence
3857. subsistence
3858. substance
3859. substitute
3860. substitution
3861. subtleness
3862. subtraction
3863. success
3864. successfulness
3865. successor
3866. succulence
3867. suction
3868. suddenness
3869. suffocation
3870. suggestibility
3871. suggestion
3872. suggestiveness
3873. suitability
3874. suitableness
3875. suitor
3876. sulkiness
3877. sullenness
3878. summarization
3879. summation
3880. sumptuousness
3881. sunlight
3882. superabundance
3883. superconductivity
3884. superintendent
3885. superior
3886. superiority
3887. supermajority
3888. superstardom
3889. superstation
3890. superstition
3891. supervisor
3892. supplement
3893. supplementation
3894. supplication
3895. supplier
3896. supply
3897. supportability
3898. supporter
3899. supportiveness
3900. supposition
3901. suppressor
3902. supremacy
3903. supremeness
3904. surefootedness
3905. sureness
3906. surface
3907. surliness
3908. surprise
3909. surrealism
3910. surrender
3911. surrogacy
3912. surrogate
3913. surveillance
3914. survey
3915. surveyor
3916. survivability
3917. survivalist
3918. survivor
3919. survivorship
3920. susceptibility
3921. susceptibleness
3922. suspiciousness
3923. sustainability
3924. sustenance
3925. swarthiness
3926. sweatiness
3927. sweetness
3928. swiftness
3929. swimmer
3930. swinishness
3931. swordsmanship
3932. sycophant
3933. syllabication
3934. syllogism
3935. symbol
3936. symbolism
3937. sympathizer
3938. sympathy
3939. symptoms
3940. synchronicity
3941. synchronization
3942. syndication
3943. syndicator
3944. synergism
3945. systemization
3946. tabulation
3947. tackiness
3948. tact
3949. tactfulness
3950. tactician
3951. tactlessness
3952. tailor
3953. tale
3954. talent
3955. talk
3956. talkativeness
3957. tallness
3958. tameness
3959. tangent
3960. tardiness
3961. tartness
3962. task
3963. taste
3964. tastefulness
3965. tastelessness
3966. tastiness
3967. taxation
3968. teacher
3969. tearfulness
3970. technicality
3971. technician
3972. technocracy
3973. technologist
3974. tediousness
3975. teenager
3976. telecommunication
3977. teleconference
3978. telemarketer
3979. teleportation
3980. temper
3981. temperament
3982. temperance
3983. tempestuousness
3984. temptation
3985. tenaciousness
3986. tenacity
3987. tenancy
3988. tenant
3989. tendency
3990. tenderheartedness
3991. tenderness
3992. tenseness
3993. tension
3994. tentativeness
3995. tenuousness
3996. tenure
3997. term
3998. termination
3999. terminator
4000. terms
4001. terribleness
4002. territorialism
4003. territoriality
4004. territory
4005. terror
4006. terseness
4007. tessellation
4008. testability
4009. testiness
4010. thankfulness
4011. thanklessness
4012. thanks
4013. theatricality
4014. theocracy
4015. theologian
4016. theoretician
4017. theorist
4018. theorization
4019. theory
4020. therapist
4021. thermoelectricity
4022. thespian
4023. thickness
4024. thievishness
4025. thinness
4026. thirstiness
4027. thorniness
4028. thoroughness
4029. thought
4030. thoughtfulness
4031. thoughtlessness
4032. thoughts
4033. thriftiness
4034. thrill
4035. thriller
4036. throatiness
4037. throng
4038. ticklishness
4039. tidiness
4040. tightfistedness
4041. tightness
4042. time
4043. timelessness
4044. timeliness
4045. times
4046. timidity
4047. tininess
4048. tiredness
4049. tirelessness
4050. titillation
4051. togetherness
4052. tolerability
4053. tolerance
4054. toleration
4055. tonality
4056. tone
4057. torment
4058. tormentor
4059. torridness
4060. totalitarian
4061. totalitarianism
4062. totality
4063. touch
4064. touchiness
4065. toughness
4066. tour
4067. tourism
4068. tourist
4069. township
4070. toxicity
4071. toxicologist
4072. traceability
4073. traction
4074. tradition
4075. traditionalism
4076. tragedian
4077. tragedy
4078. trainability
4079. traineeship
4080. trainer
4081. trait
4082. traitor
4083. trajectory
4084. trance
4085. tranquility
4086. transaction
4087. transcendence
4088. transcriber
4089. transcription
4090. transferability
4091. transference
4092. transferor
4093. transfiguration
4094. transformation
4095. transgressor
4096. transience
4097. transition
4098. translatability
4099. translation
4100. translator
4101. translucence
4102. transmittance
4103. transmutation
4104. transparence
4105. transplantation
4106. transportability
4107. transportation
4108. trappings
4109. trashiness
4110. treacherousness
4111. treatability
4112. treatment
4113. tremendousness
4114. trendiness
4115. trepidation
4116. triangulation
4117. tribulation
4118. tribute
4119. trick
4120. trickeries
4121. trickiness
4122. trickster
4123. trimness
4124. trinity
4125. triplication
4126. triteness
4127. triumph
4128. triviality
4129. trivialization
4130. trombonist
4131. troublesomeness
4132. truce
4133. trucker
4134. truculence
4135. trueness
4136. truncation
4137. trusteeship
4138. trustfulness
4139. trustiness
4140. trustworthiness
4141. truth
4142. truthfulness
4143. tuition
4144. turbulence
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1201. disunity
1202. disuse
1203. divergence
1204. diverseness
1205. diversification
1206. diversity
1207. dividedness
1208. divinity
1209. divisibility
1210. divisiveness
1211. divisor
1212. divulgence
1213. dizziness
1214. doctor
1215. doctrine
1216. document
1217. documentarian
1218. documentation
1219. doggedness
1220. dogmatism
1221. domestication
1222. dominance
1223. domination
1224. donation
1225. donator
1226. donor
1227. dopiness
1228. dormitory
1229. dose
1230. doubt
1231. drabness
1232. draftsmanship
1233. drama
1234. dramatist
1235. dramatization
1236. dread
1237. dreamer
1238. dreariness
1239. drinkability
1240. drollness
1241. drowsiness
1242. drummer
1243. dullness
1244. duplication
1245. duplicator
1246. duplicity
1247. durability
1248. duration
1249. dusk
1250. duties
1251. duty
1252. dysfunction
1253. eagerness
1254. ease
1255. eccentricity
1256. echoes
1257. ecologist
1258. edginess
1259. edibleness
1260. edification
1261. edition
1262. editor
1263. editorship
1264. education
1265. educator
1266. eeriness
1267. effect
1268. effectiveness
1269. effects
1270. effectuality
1271. effectualness
1272. effervescence
1273. efficacy
1274. efficiency
1275. effort
1276. effortlessness
1277. egalitarianism
1278. egocentricity
1279. ejection
1280. elaboration
1281. elasticity
1282. elation
1283. elder
1284. eldership
1285. electability
1286. election
1287. elector
1288. electrician
1289. electricity
1290. electrification
1291. electrocution
1292. elegance
1293. elevation
1294. elicitation
1295. eligibility
1296. elimination
1297. elitist
1298. elocution
1299. eloquence
1300. elusiveness
1301. emanation
1302. emancipation
1303. emancipator
1304. embarrassment
1305. embellishment
1306. embezzlement
1307. embezzler
1308. embodiment
1309. embrace
1310. emergence
1311. eminence
1312. emotion
1313. emotions
1314. empathizer
1315. empathy
1316. emperor
1317. emperorship
1318. emphasis
1319. employability
1320. employment
1321. emptiness
1322. emulation
1323. emulator
1324. enabler
1325. enactment
1326. encapsulation
1327. enchantment
1328. encouragement
1329. encroachment
1330. encrustation
1331. encryption
1332. endeavor
1333. endlessness
1334. endorsement
1335. endowment
1336. endurance
1337. enemy
1338. energy
1339. enforceability
1340. enforcement
1341. engagement
1342. engineer
1343. enhancement
1344. enjoyableness
1345. enjoyment
1346. enormity
1347. enrichment
1348. enrollment
1349. enshrinement
1350. entanglement
1351. enthusiasm
1352. entrance
1353. entrapment
1354. entrepreneur
1355. entrepreneurship
1356. enumeration
1357. enunciation
1358. enunciator
1359. enviableness
1360. environment
1361. environmentalist
1362. envy
1363. epidemiologist
1364. epistemologist
1365. equality
1366. equalization
1367. equanimity
1368. equation
1369. equator
1370. equilibrium
1371. equity
1372. equivalence
1373. equivalent
1374. equivocation
1375. era
1376. eradication
1377. erroneousness
1378. error
1379. eruption
1380. escalation
1381. escapades
1382. escapist
1383. essay
1384. essayist
1385. essence
1386. establishment
1387. estimate
1388. estimation
1389. estimator
1390. eternity
1391. ethicalness
1392. ethnicity
1393. ethnocentricity
1394. etymologist
1395. euphuism
1396. evacuation
1397. evaluation
1398. evaluator
1399. evangelist
1400. evaporation
1401. evasiveness
1402. evenhandedness
1403. evenness
1404. event
1405. eventfulness
1406. eventuality
1407. eviction
1408. evidence
1409. evocation
1410. evolution
1411. exacerbation
1412. exactness
1413. exaggeration
1414. exaggerator
1415. exaltation
1416. examination
1417. example
1418. exasperation
1419. excavation
1420. excellence
1421. exception
1422. exceptionality
1423. excitability
1424. excitement
1425. exclamation
1426. exclusiveness
1427. exclusivity
1428. excretion
1429. executor
1430. exemption
1431. exhalation
1432. exhaustion
1433. exhibition
1434. exhibitor
1435. existence
1436. exoneration
1437. expandability
1438. expansiveness
1439. expectance
1440. expectation
1441. expedience
1442. expedition
1443. expeditor
1444. experience
1445. experiment
1446. experimentation
1447. expertise
1448. expiration
1449. explanation
1450. explicitness
1451. exploitation
1452. exploration
1453. explorer
1454. explosiveness
1455. exponent
1456. exportation
1457. exporter
1458. exposition
1459. expression
1460. expressiveness
1461. expressivity
1462. expropriation
1463. exquisiteness
1464. extemporaneousness
1465. extension
1466. extensiveness
1467. extenuation
1468. exterior
1469. extermination
1470. exterminator
1471. externality
1472. externalization
2673. nobleness
2674. noisiness
2675. nomination
2676. nonappearance
2677. nonattendance
2678. nonchalance
2679. noncombatant
2680. noncompliance
2681. nonconformance
2682. nonconformist
2683. nonconformity
2684. nonentity
2685. nonexistence
2686. nonobservance
2687. nonoccurrence
2688. nonparticipant
2689. nonpartisanship
2690. nonperformance
2691. nonresistance
2692. nonsense
2693. nonviolence
2694. normality
2695. normalization
2696. nosiness
2697. notarization
2698. notation
2699. noteworthiness
2700. nothingness
2701. notification
2702. notion
2703. novelist
2704. novelty
2705. nuance
2706. nuisance
2707. nullification
2708. numbness
2709. numeracy
2710. numeration
2711. numerator
2712. nutrient
2713. nutrition
2714. nutritionist
2715. nuttiness
2716. oafishness
2717. obedience
2718. obesity
2719. objectification
2720. objection
2721. objectiveness
2722. objectivity
2723. obligation
2724. obliteration
2725. obliviousness
2726. obnoxiousness
2727. obscurity
2728. observance
2729. observation
2730. observatory
2731. observer
2732. obsolescence
2733. obstinacy
2734. obstruction
2735. obtrusiveness
2736. obtuseness
2737. obviousness
2738. occupant
2739. occupation
2740. occurrence
2741. oddities
2742. oddity
2743. oddness
2744. odor
2745. offence
2746. offensiveness
2747. offhandedness
2748. officer
2749. officiousness
2750. oiliness
2751. oldness
2752. omnipotence
2753. omnipresence
2754. oncologist
2755. oneness
2756. one-upmanship
2757. ooziness
2758. opacity
2759. opalescence
2760. opaqueness
2761. openhandedness
2762. openheartedness
2763. opening
2764. openness
2765. operation
2766. operator
2767. ophthalmologist
2768. opinion
2769. opponent
2770. opportunist
2771. opportunities
2772. opportunity
2773. opposition
2774. oppression
2775. oppressiveness
2776. oppressor
2777. optimism
2778. optimization
2779. option
2780. optometrist
2781. opulence
2782. oration
2783. orator
2784. orchestration
2785. orchestrator
2786. orderliness
2787. ordinance
2788. ordinariness
2789. organist
2790. organization
2791. orientation
2792. originality
2793. origination
2794. originator
2795. ornamentation
2796. orneriness
2797. orthodontist
2798. oscillation
2799. ossification
2800. otherness
2801. otherworldliness
2802. outburst
2803. outcry
2804. outgoingness
2805. outlandishness
2806. outline
2807. outrageousness
2808. outspokenness
2809. ovation
2810. overabundance
2811. overcapacity
2812. overcompensation
2813. overconfidence
2814. overconsumption
2815. overcorrection
2816. overdependence
2817. overestimation
2818. overexertion
2819. overgeneralization
2820. overreaction
2821. overreliance
2822. oversaturation
2823. oversimplification
2824. overutilization
2825. overvaluation
2826. overzealousness
2827. owner
2828. ownership
2829. oxidation
2830. oxygenation
2831. pacification
2832. pacifist
2833. pageant
2834. painfulness
2835. painlessness
2836. painter
2837. palatability
2838. paleness
2839. paleontologist
2840. palpability
2841. papacy
2842. parent
2843. parity
2844. parlance
2845. parody
2846. partiality
2847. participant
2848. participation
2849. participator
2850. partisanship
2851. partition
2852. partnership
2853. passion
2854. passiveness
2855. passivity
2856. pasteurization
2857. pastiness
2858. pastor
2859. patchiness
2860. pathologist
2861. pathos
2862. patience
2863. patient
2864. patronization
2865. paunchiness
2866. peacefulness
2867. peasant
2868. peculiarities
2869. peculiarity
2870. pedestrian
2871. pediatrician
2872. peevishness
2873. penalization
2874. penance
2875. penitence
2876. penmanship
2877. pensiveness
2878. peppiness
2879. perception
2880. perceptiveness
2881. perceptivity
2882. percolation
2883. percussionist
2884. perdition
2885. perfectibility
2886. perfection
2887. perfectionist
2888. perfectness
2889. perforation
2890. performance
2891. performer
2892. period
2893. perkiness
2894. permanence
2895. permeability
2896. permeation
2897. permissibility
2898. permission
2899. permissiveness
2900. permutation
2901. perpendicularity
2902. perpetration
2903. perpetrator
2904. perpetuation
2905. perpetuator
2906. perpetuity
2907. perplexity
2908. persecution
2909. persecutor
2910. perseverance
2911. persistence
2912. persistency
2913. personality
2914. personalization
2915. personification
2916. perspiration
2917. persuader
2918. persuasiveness
2919. pertinence
2920. pertness
2921. pervasiveness
2922. pessimist
2923. pestilence
2924. petition
2925. pettiness
2926. petulance
2927. pharmacist
2928. philanthropist
2929. phoniness
2930. photojournalist
2931. physicality
2932. physician
2933. physicist
2934. pianist
2935. pigheadedness
2936. pigmentation
2937. pinkness
2938. piousness
2939. piracy
2940. pithiness
2941. pitilessness
2942. pittance
2943. pity
2944. pixilation
4145. tutor
4146. tutorship
4147. type
4148. types
4149. typicality
4150. typist
4151. tyranny
4152. unacceptability
4153. unaccountability
4154. unaffectedness
4155. unattractiveness
4156. unavailability
4157. unawareness
4158. unbalance
4159. unbecomingness
4160. uncertainness
4161. uncertainty
4162. unchangeableness
4163. unconsciousness
4164. unconstitutionality
4165. unconventionality
4166. uncouthness
4167. underestimation
4168. underhandedness
4169. undernourishment
4170. underproduction
4171. understandability
4172. underutilization
4173. undesirability
4174. unearthliness
4175. uneasiness
4176. unevenness
4177. unexpectedness
4178. unfairness
4179. unfaithfulness
4180. unflappability
4181. unfriendliness
4182. ungainliness
4183. ungraciousness
4184. ungratefulness
4185. unhappiness
4186. unhealthiness
4187. unicyclist
4188. unification
4189. unifier
4190. uniformity
4191. unimportance
4192. union
4193. unionization
4194. uniqueness
4195. unitization
4196. unity
4197. universality
4198. unjustness
4199. unkindness
4200. unlawfulness
4201. unluckiness
4202. unnaturalness
4203. unobtrusiveness
4204. unpleasantness
4205. unpopularity
4206. unpredictability
4207. unpreparedness
4208. unpretentiousness
4209. unreasonableness
4210. unreliability
4211. unreservedness
4212. unresponsiveness
4213. unruliness
4214. unseemliness
4215. unselfishness
4216. unsightliness
4217. unsociability
4218. unsoundness
4219. unstableness
4220. unsuitability
4221. untruthfulness
4222. unusualness
4223. unwillingness
4224. unworthiness
4225. uprightness
4226. uptightness
4227. urbanization
4228. usability
4229. usefulness
4230. uselessness
4231. usualness
4232. utilitarianism
4233. utility
4234. utilization
4235. utterance
4236. vacation
4237. vacationer
4238. vaccination
4239. vacillation
4240. vacillator
4241. vagueness
4242. vainness
4243. valedictorian
4244. valerian
4245. validation
4246. validity
4247. valor
4248. valuation
4249. value
4250. values
4251. vandalism
4252. vanity
4253. vapor
4254. vaporization
4255. vaporizer
4256. variability
4257. variableness
4258. variant
4259. variation
4260. variety
4261. vastness
4262. vegetarian
4263. vehemence
4264. velocity
4265. vendor
4266. venerability
4267. vengeance
4268. vengefulness
4269. venomousness
4270. ventilation
4271. ventriloquist
4272. veracity
4273. verbalization
4274. verboseness
4275. verdict
4276. verification
4277. versatility
4278. verticalness
4279. veterinarian
4280. vexation
4281. viability
4282. vibration
4283. vicariousness
4284. vicinity
4285. viciousness
4286. victimization
4287. victor
4288. victory
4289. videoconference
4290. view
4291. viewership
4293. vigilance
4294. vigilantism
4295. vigor
4296. vigorousness
4297. vileness
4298. vilification
4299. vindication
4300. vindictiveness
4301. violation
4302. violence
4303. violinist
4304. virologist
4305. virtue
4306. virtues
4307. virtuosity
4308. virtuousness
4309. viscosity
4310. visibility
4311. vision
4312. visitation
4313. visitor
4314. visualization
4315. vitality
4316. vivaciousness
4317. vividness
4318. vocalization
4319. vocation
4320. voice
4321. volatility
4322. volition
4323. volunteer
4324. volunteerism
4325. voraciousness
4326. voracity
4327. vulcanization
4328. vulgarity
4329. vulnerability
4330. wackiness
4331. wail
4332. wait
4333. wakefulness
4334. wanderer
4335. wantonness
4336. war
4337. wardenship
4338. warfare
4339. wariness
4340. warmness
4341. warmth
4342. warning
4343. warrantor
4344. warranty
4345. warrior
4346. waste
4347. wastefulness
4348. wateriness
4349. waviness
4350. way
4351. waywardness
4352. weakness
4353. weariness
4354. weather
4355. weatherization
4356. weightiness
4357. weightlessness
4358. weirdness
4359. wellness
4360. westernization
4361. wetness
4362. whim
4363. whimsicality
4364. whimsicalness
4365. whiteness
4366. wholeness
4367. wholesomeness
4368. wickedness
4369. wildness
4370. willfulness
4371. willingness
4372. windiness
4373. winsomeness
4374. wisdom
4375. wisecracker
4376. wistfulness
4377. wit
4378. withdrawnness
4379. witticism
4380. wittiness
4381. wobbliness
4382. woefulness
4383. wolfishness
4384. wonder
4385. wonderfulness
4386. wonderment
4387. wondrousness
4388. wontedness
4389. woodenness
4390. wooziness
4391. word
4392. wordiness
4393. wordlessness
4394. workability
4395. worker
4396. workmanship
4397. worldliness
4398. worthiness
4399. worthlessness
4400. wrath
4401. wrathfulness
4402. wretchedness
4403. writer
4404. wrongfulness
4405. wrongness
4406. yearning
4407. years
4408. youngness
4409. youth
4410. youthfulness
4411. zaniness
4412. zeal
4413. zealousness
4414. zest
4415. zookeeper
4416. zoologist
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Here is Another 224 –ment Nouns!

4417. abasement
4418. abashment
4419. abatement
4420. abutment
4421. accompaniment
4422. accoutrement
4423. accruement
4424. acquirement
4425. adjournment
4426. admonishment
4427. adornment
4428. advisement
4429. aggrandizement
4430. ailment
4431. alignment
4432. allurement
4433. amendment
4434. announcement
4435. annulment
4436. anointment
4437. appeasement
4438. apportionment
4439. appraisement
4440. armament
4441. arraignment
4442. ascertainment
4443. assessment
4444. assignment
4445. assuagement
4446. atonement
4447. attainment
4448. bafflement
4449. bamboozlement
4450. bedazzlement
4451. bedevilment
4452. befuddlement
4453. beguilement
4454. belittlement
4455. bemusement
4456. bereavement
4457. betterment
4458. bewitchment
4459. blandishment
4460. bombardment
4461. chastisement
4462. complement
4463. comportment
4464. conferment
4465. congealment
4466. contentment
4467. copayment
4468. counterargument
4469. countermovement
4470. counterstatement
4471. curtailment
4472. debasement
4473. decipherment
4474. defacement
4475. deferment
4476. defilement
4477. demolishment
4478. denouement
4479. denouncement
4480. department
4481. deployment
4482. deportment
4483. derailment
4484. derangement
4485. detachment
4486. detainment
4487. determent
4488. dethronement
4489. detriment
4490. diminishment
4491. disablement
4492. disarmament
4493. disbandment
4494. disbarment
4495. disbursement
4496. discernment
4497. disconcertment
4498. discontentment
4499. discouragement
4500. disenchantment
4501. disenfranchisement
4502. disengagement
4503. disentanglement
4504. disfigurement
4505. disheartenment
4506. disillusionment
4507. disinterment
4508. dismantlement
4509. disownment
4510. disparagement
4511. displacement
4512. divestment
4513. easement
4514. embitterment
4515. emblazonment
4516. embracement
4517. embroilment
4518. emolument
4519. empowerment
4520. encampment
4521. encasement
4522. encirclement
4523. encompassment
4524. endangerment
4525. endearment
4526. enfranchisement
4527. engorgement
4528. engrossment
4529. engulfment
4530. enlargement
4531. enlightenment
4532. enlistment
4533. enmeshment
4534. ennoblement
4535. enslavement
4536. entailment
4537. entertainment
4538. enthrallment
4539. enthronement
4540. enticement
4541. entitlement
4542. entrancement
4543. entrenchment
4544. entrustment
4545. envelopment
4546. escapement
4547. estrangement
4548. evolvement
4549. extinguishment
4550. famishment
4551. ferment
4552. figment
4553. firmament
4554. forestallment
4555. garnishment
4556. impairment
4557. impalement
4558. impediment
4559. imperilment
4560. impingement
4561. impoundment
4562. impoverishment
4563. imprisonment
4564. incitement
4565. increment
4566. indictment
4567. inducement
4568. infringement
4569. installment
4570. interlacement
4571. interment
4572. internment
4573. intertwinement
4574. lament
4575. languishment
4576. maladjustment
4577. maltreatment
4578. micromanagement
4579. misalignment
4580. misjudgment
4581. misstatement
4582. nonalignment
4583. nonattachment
4584. nonfulfillment
4585. noninvolvement
4586. nonpayment
4587. nourishment
4588. obtainment
4589. overachievement
4590. overdevelopment
4591. overinvestment
4592. overpayment
4593. overstatement
4594. overtreatment
4595. payment
4596. postretirement
4597. prearrangement
4598. preferment
4599. prejudgment
4600. prepayment
4601. preretirement
4602. pretournament
4603. pretreatment
4604. procurement
4605. pronouncement
4606. puzzlement
4607. rabblement
4608. ravishment
4609. readjustment
4610. reappointment
4611. reapportionment
4612. reattachment
4613. recommencement
4614. reconcilement
4615. recoupment
4616. redeployment
4617. redevelopment
4618. reemployment
4619. reengagement
4620. reenlistment
4621. refrainment
4622. refurbishment
4623. reinstatement
4624. reinvestment
4625. repayment
4626. rescindment
4627. resettlement
4628. retrenchment
4629. revilement
4630. securement
4631. segment
4632. semiretirement
4633. settlement
4634. testament
4635. tournament
4636. underachievement
4637. underemployment
4638. underpayment
4639. understatement
4640. unemployment

COPYRIGHT PROTECTED: This entire noun list is copyright-protected. I used various techniques and software to generate this list from scratch. Everything about this list is unique, edited, and selective.