Are you a vocabulary teacher? Yes, you are! All teachers are vocabulary teachers, whether they know it or not. It’s so because the subject content and the content vocabulary are inherently linked. If teachers want to teach the content, they must also teach the content...
Giant List of 3,300 –ly Adverbs Plus Example Sentences
It’s amazing! You have just found over 3,300 –ly adverbs! So, what will you do with over 3,300 –ly adverbs? Here’s what you will do! 1. You will improve your vocabulary. 2. You will improve your understanding of adverbs. 3. You will learn to appreciate words. 4. You...
4,640 Nouns and 18 Noun Suffixes: Giant List of Untouchable Nouns
We will cover a lot on this page, and you will leave with a fantastic newfound understanding of nouns. You will want to spend some time with the giant list of 4,640 nouns that follow, and you will want to gain a solid understanding of the list of 18 noun suffixes that...
What I Learned About Teaching ELLs, ESL, and ELA by Learning a Second Language
I learned and became fluent in a second language as an adult. Not only was I an adult, but I was a full-time teacher as well. I’m going to take you through my process of learning a language. As teachers, we are inundated with constant quotes about what the research...
How to Improve Your Students’ Vocabulary
Why should you improve your students’ vocabulary? Well, it is an important component of improving your students’ reading comprehension, and it is essential to comprehend the subject content. Furthermore, word knowledge is strongly linked to academic success. Those...
Teaching Vocabulary: Breadth vs. Depth
What does it mean to know a word? Do you know any of these words? How many and how well? Q sabretache, run, thrombosis, frugivore, elecampane, electroencephalogram, turnip If you’re like most people, you know some words well, you are familiar with a couple, and you...
How Many Vocabulary Words Do Students Need to Learn?
Words are at the center of everything students learn in school. If students are not learning new vocabulary words, they are not learning the content. If students are not learning all of the new vocabulary words that they need to learn, they are falling behind. It’s...
Vocabulary Acquisition and Struggling Readers: The Vicious Circle of the Matthew Effect
Reading instruction is primarily composed of five components: 1) phonemic awareness, 2) phonics, 3) vocabulary development, 4) reading fluency, and 5) reading comprehension strategies (National Reading Panel, 2000). Each component of reading instruction is complex and...
Evidence-Based Vocabulary Instruction
Occasionally, I post valuable summaries of evidence-based teaching strategies—i.e., what the research says works. I can post these summaries because they are either government-funded projects or have Creative Commons licenses. As relates to vocabulary instruction, one...
How to Use Vocabulary Instruction to Improve Reading Comprehension
Word knowledge has particular importance in literate societies. It contributes significantly to achievement in the subjects of the school curriculum, as well as in formal and informal speaking and writing. Most people feel that there is a common sense relationship...
The Benefits of Teaching Students Morphology and Word Building
Morphological instruction is a part of vocabulary instruction, and vocabulary instruction is a critical component of everything we teach students across the curriculum. Put simply, vocabulary instruction and morphological instruction improves students’ reading...
The Real Difference Between Roots, Base Words, and Stems
Teachers frequently debate this question: What’s the difference between a root, base word, and stem? The reason teachers are forced to debate this question is that their textbooks present a model that quickly falls apart in the real world. If teachers are confused,...
4,800 Adjectives: The Giant List of Adjectives
Below, you will find the largest list of adjectives you are likely to find anywhere! Small lists of adjectives treat the words on the list as the good or the only adjectives, and the words that are not on the list as less than desirable adjectives or possibly not even...

Adjectives and Adverbs: Comparative and Superlative Forms – Complete Lists
Adjectives and adverbs have a close relationship. Both are modifiers: 1) adjectives modify nouns, and 2) adverbs modify verbs, adjectives, and other adverbs. This close relationship is why we can simply add an –ly to so many adjectives in order to create adverbs. And...

Giant Verb List: 3,250 Verbs Plus Spelling Rules and Irregular Verbs Marked
Overview: 3,250 Verbs with Spelling Rules and Irregular Verbs This Giant Verb List contains 3,250 action, linking, and stative action verbs. Most are action verbs. This list does not contain helping verbs (see the helping verb section). Additionally, this list...