Giant Lists of Myths, Legends, Tales, and Folklore for Scholars and Kids

Are you interested in world mythology, legends, folklore, folktales, folk heroes, tall tales, fairy tales, hero tales, animal tales, and fables? If so, you have just found an extremely valuable treasure-trove of resources.

I explain the purpose of this collection of eBooks at the beginning of each eBook, so I won’t explain it all again here. Download one and take a look!

Pattern Based Writing: Quick & Easy Essay proudly presents:

The Giant List of Folklore Stories Collection

Volume 1: Europe: South: Greece and Rome


Volume 2: Europe: North: Britain, Norse, Celtic, Ireland, Teutonic, Welsh, Finnish, Scandinavian


Volume 3: The Middle East, Africa, Asia, Slavic, Plants, and Animals


Volume 4: Native American and Indigenous People


Volume 5: The United States


Volume 6: Children’s

By the way, if you teach beginning writers or struggling writers, be sure to check out Pattern Based Writing: Quick & Easy Essay. It’s the missing piece of the puzzle that makes everything else you teach about writing easy! Put simply, Pattern Based Writing: Quick & Easy Essay is the fastest, most effective way to teach students organized multi-paragraph writing… Guaranteed!